How will you show thanks this holiday?  I remember a few years ago sitting down to watch football after our Thanksgiving meal thinking, ‘I haven’t really taken the time to make Thanksgiving very thanksgiving.’  Not only had I missed the point of thanking God for His goodness, but I had failed to miss a tremendous opportunity to love others.  An opportunity to witness to God’s goodness to those He has placed in my life.

Sometimes the holiday creeps up on us so quickly that we forget to make the day more than food, football and planning for the black Friday sales.

I would like to suggest the seven R’s to adding more thanks to your Thanksgiving.

1. Read

Take a moment to read a verse or chapter in the Bible that proclaims God’s goodness or provisions.  Reflect on its meaning in your life and be challenged to apply it.  (Psalms 31:19, 107:1, or 2 Sam. 22)

2. (W)Rite

Journal your thoughts or write an encouraging note or email to a friend or family member.  Share your thankfulness with them and let them know how thankful you are for their presence in your life.

3. Recite

Verbally share an encouraging word.  Compliments and words of encouragement can tell someone that you value them and appreciate their friendship.

4. Respond

Show someone how thankful you are by serving them.  Gratefulness is best understood when it incites a response.   Ask God to show you how to serve a neighbor, co-worker, friend or family member.  Thank Jesus for giving you an example of serving sacrificially.

5. Recipe

So much of our Thanksgiving celebration is built around food.  Why not bake something for someone and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving.  Is there someone new to town or lonely on your street that could use a special blessing this holiday?  Open the door to a new friendship by sharing with them a pie or some turkey shaped cookies.

6. Reconnect

Is there someone in your life that you have not talked with in a long time?  A friend or family member that you have lost track of? Maybe this holiday is a good time to give them a phone call and see how they are doing.  Give them an encouraging word and let them know you appreciate them.

7. Remember

Take the time to remember what God has done for you over the last year.  Thank Him through a prayerful heart.   “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”  Psalms 106:1

 Image courtesy of timsackton /