Simple, practical training to help churches experience God’s transforming power in every area of life.
TCT’s three goals are to see:
There are Christians around the world who have not had the opportunity to fully understand and apply God’s truth to every area of their lives. When Christians believe that God only cares about spiritual things, they often ignore other concerns such as health issues, food shortages, environmental issues, and lack of education. Many believe the lie, “We aren’t able to do anything; someone else needs to address this issue.”
Wherever the church is in bondage to these lies, those outside the church tend to see the Christian God as either imaginary, weak, or uninterested in the affairs of earth. God is not glorified, and communities remain trapped in poverty. Yet, Christ loves His bride and wants to bless her.
Truth Centered Transformation (TCT) is a wholistic discipleship program for rural churches in the Majority World. TCT provides simple training to churches, teaching believers to apply biblical truth to their everyday challenges and to demonstrate God’s love to others. As His people walk in obedience, God is moving powerfully to transform churches and lift communities out of poverty.
Churches learn how the Bible applies to every area of life and gain new skills in areas such as health and agriculture. The Bible provides the critical why of changing, while the skills training teaches how to make a change. Most importantly, we teach the necessity of depending on God’s intervention.
TCT challenges churches to express God’s love to their communities through Acts of Love—simple projects that churches can do using what they already have. They often start with things like working in a widow’s field or cleaning a water system—things that require time rather than money. However, as they walk in obedience to God, churches are often surprised how quickly they find they have the resources to do much more, like building roads and houses. .
While TCT is about discipleship, not development, we have seen hundreds of whole communities move out of poverty. It’s a testimony to the power of God and His truth to really transform lives. In the hundreds of communities we have seen move out of poverty, we always hear stories of God’s intervention. For instance, many churches testify that God healed their land, and now they grow more. You can read some of their stories below.

Churches learn how the Bible applies to every area of life and gain new skills in areas such as health and agriculture. The Bible provides the critical why of changing, while the skills training teaches how to make a change. Most importantly, we teach the necessity of depending on God’s intervention.

TCT challenges churches to express God’s love to their communities through Acts of Love—simple projects that churches can do using what they already have. They often start with things like working in a widow’s field or cleaning a water system—things that require time rather than money. However, as they walk in obedience to God, churches are often surprised how quickly they find they have the resources to do much more, like building roads and houses. .

While TCT is about discipleship, not development, we have seen hundreds of whole communities move out of poverty. It’s a testimony to the power of God and His truth to really transform lives. In the hundreds of communities we have seen move out of poverty, we always hear stories of God’s intervention. For instance, many churches testify that God healed their land, and now they grow more. You can read some of their stories below.
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Below are two recent articles related to the Truth Centered Transformation Program. You can read more related stories and updates on our blog.