A Perfectly Timed Easter

I was walking in my neighborhood the other day and noticed in the windows of a home a large cardboard Easter bunny surrounded by several bright colorful eggs. The bunny in the window was staring back at me with cheerfulness and delight. Initially, something seemed kind of off. A happy bunny in the middle of a pandemic? It just didn’t seem right. But as I continued walking I began to reflect on the COVID-19 virus and the reality of a perfectly timed Easter. Here’s my thoughts as I reflected.

We need to be reminded God’s got this

After the brutal death of Jesus on the cross the disciples were disillusioned, confused and saddened. They even locked themselves in a room out of fear of the Jewish leaders. (John 20:19) 

 I think I have felt all of those things in the past 3 weeks. Disillusioned: at the speed of the spread and the impact it could have on certain communities and people; confused: on what I am supposed to do to protect myself and others; saddened: by those who have been directly affected and are suffering and frustratingly “locked in a room”! 

The disciples realized on the third day that God was bigger than discouragement, suffering and even death. We need that reminder as well. God’s in control and there is nothing, not even death, that can thwart His plans and purposes. 

People are ready to listen to our shouting

Early in the morning, a group of women journeyed to the tomb to wash Jesus’ body with spices. I imagine the sun was glowing as it peaked up over the hillside and glimmered through the ancient olive trees. They walked quietly towards the tomb along the hilly path, probably not saying much as they were still grieving his death. But, when they reached the tomb, something was odd. It was open. The big rock had been rolled away. 

They peered into the opening. The body was gone. There sitting in the tomb was a man in shining bright white clothing almost like lightning.

Don’t be scared!” He said

But they couldn’t help it of course. Being a bit fearful.

Where is the body of Jesus?”  They asked.

Jesus isn’t dead anymore.” He said. “He’s alive again!”

 Their hearts probably leapt! The angel must have smiled in delight. I can only imagine the Joy that filled their life in that moment. The story says “the women hurried from the tomb filled with joy and ran to tell the disciples.” (Matt. 28:8)

Come and see – Jesus is alive!”

If there is ever a moment in recent history where the world is willing to listen to our shouting, it’s now. Jesus is Alive! He has conquered fear and death. Come and see, experience the joy and peace of the Messiah! 


We need to be reminded we need saved

COVID-19 isn’t the only virus that kills. While COVID-19 has spread across the world claiming the lives of thousands of people I am reminded that a far greater virus torments humankind. It’s a threat that has eternal consequences. The greatest virus in our world is sin. It’s the ultimate pandemic that has affected every person. There is no political solution, scientific remedy or educational program that can cure or contain the pandemic of human sin. It’s the virus that has wrecked humanity and will kill our souls forever. 

We are reminded this Easter that our need for a savior hasn’t changed, COVID-19 has just made us feel it more. 


Perfectly Timed

As I walked around the neighborhood and saw those Easter bunnies and eggs hanging in the window the connection between the Coronavirus and Easter became clear. What confusion I may have had for a moment soon turned to joy. This Easter is perfectly timed I thought… because the colorful eggs reminded me that physical death is temporary but eternal life with Jesus is forever.

 I hope and pray you have a beautiful and wonderful celebration this weekend. Be encouraged friends! God bless you all! He is risen… He is risen indeed!

Growth Point:

Jesus is Alive and nothing in this world; sickness, suffering or death can take away the hope we have in Jesus. 


Scripture Point:

Read Matthew 28. Imagine the scene and reflect on the joy of that beautiful morning. 


Action Point:

How might God be prompting you to “shout” the Easter message to those around you this weekend.