Have you ever heard the Bible referred to as “the Word of God”? We often use this phrase to indicate that we believe that God has divinely spoken through the pages of Scripture. We believe that every story, every person, every parable and every verse is God’s revelation and part of His plan of redemption. As we dig deeper into our theme of “Listen” for 2024 we want to take time to think about what it means to “Listen” to God through the Bible. How do we allow God’s Word through the pages of Scripture to correct, guide, convict, encourage and strengthen us towards truth? Let’s look at some practical steps that will help us truly hear from God as we examine and study Scripture.

In order to listen to God in Scripture we first must…

1. Take up our posture of listening. Last month in our study we talked about a posture of listening. As we sit down and open up the Bible we must consider our posture. Is your heart ready and expecting to hear from God? Have you taken time to find stillness in order to hear God? Are you willing to wait, be open and delight in what you hear from God?

AW Tozer once stated: “The one who does not expect God to speak will discount every single time when God does speak.”

With the correct posture you will be better prepared to listen and hear clearly what God is saying.

Once your posture is correct the next step is to…

2. Examine the passage. It is easy to read or scan a few verses and move on. Instead, spend time meditating on it. Ponder it and lean your mind into it.

Proverbs 2:4-5 says: “And if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”

Examining the Scriptures could include reading it multiple times, listening for phrases or words that stick out. Maybe you need to look up a word. Perhaps you might also read the passage in different translations in order to hear it in a variety of ways. Remember, this is God’s Word! Therefore, put effort into fully understanding what God is saying.

Thirdly, take time to…

3. Pull out the principles. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Word of God to you. Then, take a moment to note which principles or messages seem to be jumping out in this passage. Is there something God is revealing about His character in this passage? Are there promises here that I need to remember? Is there a directive here that I am supposed to follow? Are there insights God is uncovering?

Psalm 119:8 says: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

Finally, take time to self-examine and obey

Once God has spoken, take immediate steps to follow in obedience.

Listening and hearing God through Scripture is not supposed to be a game of hide and seek. God desires to speak to you. He desires to encourage and correct you. He desires for you to hear His voice in the words of the Bible and live in deeper intimacy with Him.

Deuteronomy 4:29 says “But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Below is a devotional to help you consider more deeply this topic of listening to God through His Word.