I was reflecting earlier this week on the idea of greatness. I saw a tweet by NBA basketball star Lebron James and at the end of it was written #striveforgreatness.

It made me think about greatness. What is it? What defines it? What makes a person great?  

I think all of us have this insatiable desire to be someone great. We want to accomplish big things. Have widespread influence. Be known for something. Make an impact.  

I think we often see this in children who dream and imagine triumphant things. Watch a child play and you will see them pretending to be astronauts, kings, professional soccer players and famous explorers. Children display this natural desire that I think we all have to be someone great. 

But what happens when we grow up and don’t slay dragons or land on the moon? What happens if our life is filled with mundane tasks, routines and the same daily duties at the same desk in the same office… every day? Have we failed? Have we fallen short of greatness? 

What is greatness?

In my search I found two very different suggestions.


The dictionary defines greatness as:

“The quality or state of being important, notable or distinguished.” [1]

Other words I found were: “Wonderful; first-rate; very good.” What I came to discover is that greatness is essentially perceived success. If you have power, money, and status, then the world calls you great. While I realize that there is nothing wrong with these things it made me ask: “Is this what we should be striving for?” 


In my search I ran across Mark 10:35-43.

James and John desired greatness and asked Jesus to sit at his right and left side in eternity and Jesus’ response is remarkable: 

You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant (Mark 10:42-43)

So what is greatness as defined by the Bible? Serving others for the glory of God. 

Matthew 18:4 says. “Whoever humbles himself… is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

God’s definition of greatness is the exact opposite of the world’s. One is to gather, strive, and do everything to promote your name and influence; the other is to humble yourself, serve and do everything to promote others and give God glory. One is momentary and fickle; the other is steadfast and eternal.

Seeing greatness in others

This reminded me of my grandfather. He was a simple guy that worked at a department store, loved the outdoors, baked delicious pies and played an occasional round of golf. None of those things made him great in the world’s eyes. He was an average guy who lived a mundane life in his little corner of the world. 

But that is not the only thing I remember about him. He also whistled hymns as he cleaned the dishes, served his friends when in need and cared for my aging grandmother for many years. My grandfather’s faith in Jesus was a huge influence on me. 

I realized my grandfather was great. Not because he was rich or successful but because he was humble and a servant of others. Grandpa was great because Jesus, through Him, changed the eternity of others. He lived his life so devoted to God that people could see heaven meeting earth through his life, joy and service of others. 

Who defines your greatness?

The temptation is to define our greatness through the world’s eyes. However, my encouragement to you today is to embrace greatness by God’s standards. 

Each of you are accomplishing great things for God’s glory. As you prepare another training, send a follow up email, share an encouraging word to another or pray for a struggling church partner you are achieving greatness. Keep obeying God’s call for you today to serve others, promote justice and love your neighbor for God’s glory. 

Greatness is not what you have accomplished, it is who you are. It is not what you have gathered, it is who you have served. It is not how many know you but who you have made known.  

You were made to be great! Don’t let your monotonous routine fool you. 

#strive_for_greatness, in God, today.

Growth Point:

Greatness as defined by God is about humility and service to others

Scripture Point:

Read Matthew 5:19. What does this verse tell us about Biblical greatness? 

Action Point:

In what ways have you allowed the world’s definition of greatness to influence you? What are two ways for you to live Biblical greatness out this week?

[1] https://www.dictionary.com/browse/greatness