There have been times as a parent that I have been frustrated with my kids due to their lack of follow through. For example, they say they will sweep the room and then they forget. Or they promise to wash the dishes and the dishes never get washed. We can probably all think of occasions in our life when we expected someone to do something and they failed to execute on their commitment.

In reality, all of us—at some time—have also failed to execute on a commitment we have made.

As growing leaders, it is essential to continue to dive deep into topics that will challenge and strengthen us as godly leaders. Our focus here is on the importance of executing and following through on the commitments we make. In Matthew 5:37, Jesus tells His followers to let their “yes be yes” and their “no, no.” Meaning, if you say you will do something, follow through and hold to your word.

Jesus as our Model

A quick survey through the gospels presents Jesus as a leader who firmly executed on the commitments He was given. He followed through on what He was sent to do with complete integrity, courage, and honor. Jesus says in John 6:38, “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will but the will of Him who sent Me” (NKJV). As He fulfilled those commitments, Jesus faced:

  • Opposition (John 8:59, 10:31, Matthew 26:4)
  • Demands and expectations from others (Luke 4:38-44, Matthew 16:21-23)
  • Overwhelming needs (Luke 4:38-44)
  • Fatigue (John 4:6, Mark 4:38)
  • Betrayal and failure of others (John 13:21, 38, Mark 14:34-37)
  • Anxiety and sorrow (Matthew 26:36-39)

Despite all of this, Jesus followed through on His commitments to love and obey the Father and to bring salvation and reconciliation to the world. Jesus is the perfect model for Christian leaders. In the Bible study we will seek to search our hearts and consider how we can model the same faithfulness to execute on our commitments.

Take a moment to review the following devotional and reflect on the Importance of Executing on your Commitments.