For the members of a rural community church, which mainly consists of new believers, valuing sons more than daughters was normal. When pressed to allow their daughters to attend school, parents would explain, “Why spend money on educating a daughter when she will go off to her husband’s family after marriage?” When the Reconciled World team began teaching what the Bible says about the equal value of boys and girls, many arguments resulted. However, as we have continued to teach on this subject, we have seen significant changes in the attitudes of parents. Many parents have started sending their daughters to school. One father said, “Until now, I was giving more value to our sons, but now I will value my daughters the same way I value my sons.” Another family testified, “We now understand that gender discrimination is a sin. We will now promote dignity of women and girls in our village.” To communicate their new conviction among the community, the church members organized a drama in the village with the help of some local artists on the theme of “Respecting Women.” After the drama performance, the village council leader remarked, “By such drama, wrong attitudes of our villagers towards women can be changed.”
Love what you are doing here . This is a really interesting program. I hope to see more of this sort of thing.
Thanks Tim,
It has been a blessing to see churches responding to the message and passing it on to their communities. I’m looking forward to seeing it multiplied in the future.