Semi-Annual Update
This year has felt like a whirlwind. We had key staff transition to other ministries, others on long-term breaks, and incredible people joining the RW team. The changes meant a few of us have been a lot busier than normal (and we weren’t exactly bored before).
This year our theme has been LISTEN – to God and to one another. In the midst of the busyness, God’s been inviting us to stop, be still, and take a moment to breathe. To remember that it is all about Him. As we do, we are constantly amazed that we get to play just a little part in what He is doing around the world. We pray that as you read this, you too will be inspired by how God is working and changing lives.
Refugees Helping Refugees in Lebanon
Thirteen Syrian refugee believers recently completed a year-long course in leadership with an RW staff member in which they were encouraged to do ministry. Since the completion of the course, the believers have shown incredible initiative.
One new believer began leading three Bible studies and helping with the children’s program at her church. Another believer started helping several elderly couples in the neighbourhood and started a men’s soccer ministry. Another saw a need to provide literacy education to Syrian kids. She organised her own mini-school in her home to teach more than 30 kids how to read and write. She also began a women’s Bible study group for fellow Syrian believers.
In the past month, over a million people have fled from south Lebanon due to the increase in bombings. Thousands of them have moved into the same neighbourhood as these Syrian believers. The believers voluntarily made and distributed food packs to displaced families. They also identified and provided for other needs including bedding, diapers, and milk powder. They even gave tea and sugar, knowing firsthand how it would serve as a small comfort to these displaced families in their time of distress.
If you would like to donate to help provide necessities to displaced families, you can do so here.

New Bibles for Pastors in Democratic Republic of Congo
We recently distributed 1,000 Bibles in French and Lingala to fifteen places throughout DRC. This was not a planned project, but when a donor approached us asking to provide Bibles to pastors—and we knew the huge impact it would have—we eagerly said yes!
Two pastors shared that they had never owned a Bible. In order to preach, they would study the Bible at the home of someone who owned one. One of these pastors shared that he was so excited to go back to his family and show them his new Bible because they had never seen a Bible before.
One man showed us his Bible, which started at Exodus and ended at Galatians. And another had a Bible that was missing everything before 2 Samuel and after Hebrews. Now these two pastors can study and preach from the entire word of God.
Despite the challenges of delivering Bibles (including getting stuck in the sand fifteen times), we are grateful that God made it possible for these pastors to get copies of His word.
Visited the Area Where TCT First Began
In July, several staff (including Nam and Anna) visited the place where the TCT program first began. It was a joyous reunion with dear friends we had not seen in ten years.
It was fun to be reminded of miracles God did years ago. Many of the communities were once filled with drug addiction, drunkenness, unsanitary conditions, persecution, and poverty. Through the local church, God brought such transformation that local governments who formerly persecuted the church handed them ‘model village certificates’ and gave them materials to do additional Acts of Love.
It was also inspiring to hear about what God continues to do in these remote parts. The churches in that area are still putting into practice what we taught all those years ago. They are continuing to look for areas to serve, now reaching out over the border and planting churches amongst a people group that had no Christians. We were so encouraged to see that God truly is faithful to complete the good works He begins.

TCT Expands Again
TCT has recently launched in two new countries! Zambia and Mozambique have both held forums, and we officially signed our first partnership agreement in Mozambique. We are amazed that God continues to open doors and can’t wait to see what He will do in these countries.

Zambia Forum

Mozambique signing
A New Home for In His Image
In His Image—a center in New Delhi for children and young adults with autism—has a new home! The facility is in a residential area with a park nearby. The building is easier for those with disabilities to navigate, it has more rooms to host additional students, and it doesn’t flood when it rains. It has been a busy time getting settled in the new space and hosting lots of celebrations!
We are grateful that God has provided this new home for the students and we are excited to see how He will use it for His glory.

Stories of God at work
We have been hearing the most incredible stories of God at work in the lives of individuals. Stories that leave us grateful we get to be part of all He is doing. We hope that, as you read, you will experience God and know that the same God is working in your situation.
Growth from Simple Acts of Love
When we started TCT in Malawi, one small denomination had only five churches. Their approach to the gospel was only spiritual—casting out demons, praying against poverty, and praying for the flourishing of the church. Two key ideas transformed this denomination: God cares about all areas of life and we can use local resources to show love to our neighbours.
The denomination began to serve others, including non-Christians. The church built a bicycle ambulance to transport pregnant women from the surrounding villages to the city hospital. They also began to regularly clean the hospital yard to eradicate mosquitoes and other pests. The community leaders were so impressed that they let the church share about TCT on the community radio. Now the denomination has 85 churches, and they have started planting churches across the border in Mozambique.
Building in Rocky Soil
A Master Trainer in Nepal lived in a village where people walked over 30 minutes and waited in line for an hour for water. As he listened to TCT lessons of churches building wells, he desired to build a well in his village. But when he shared his idea, his father mocked him, saying the soil was too rocky.
The Master Trainer prayed and chose a spot. After he taught the TCT lesson to his church, they started the project. They were shocked to find they could dig easily and completed the well much quicker than expected.
They later tried to dig just two metres behind this well but could not dig due to hard rock. God showed this pastor exactly where to dig and now the community does not have to walk far to get water.

A House Built for a Family in Need
Here is a video from our files of how an Act of Love had a big impact.
We’d love to create more videos to share the wonderful things God is doing. If you’d like to volunteer to travel to one of our locations and make a video, we’d love to hear from you.
Powerful Men Transformed
We are always in awe of how a simple Act of Love can soften hearts and build relationships.
Vinod was a rich man in India who belonged to the high caste and hated Christians, considering them untouchable. His mistreatment caused many Christians to fear him. But through TCT, the church in Vinod’s community learned the importance of showing love to their neighbours.
When a group from this church walked home after their worship service one Sunday, it began to rain heavily. They observed Vinod desperately trying to save his harvest from the strong rain. The church members gathered his harvest into their own homes, which kept it from spoiling. Vinod was deeply touched by the care the Christians showed him even after his mistreatment. He asked the pastor to forgive him for the way he had treated Christians. Vinod now supports the church and allows them to hold gatherings on his land.
Similarly in Zimbabwe, there was a chief who forced Christians to give up their fields so he could sell them to corrupt people. A TCT partner church worked to clean the man’s home. The chief and all of his officials converted to Christianity and gave the Christians back their fields.
We are always amazed at the ways God continues to use TCT to strengthen churches in remote areas. We have seen many new partners and Master Trainers in the past six months in both Africa and Asia. We are so excited to see the transformation that God will bring to these communities
Since April 1, 2024 we have added 15 new TCT partners,
355 Master Trainers, and 1745 churches.
♦ April 2024
♦ Growth from April to October 2024


Master Trainers


We hope this has given you a moment to stop and remember that God is doing incredible things around the world. Thank your for your continued prayers and partnership. Praise Him for His faithfulness!