The Framework for Transformation

Our Framework for Transformation is a set of seven core principles that Reconciled World is committed to. These principles grew out of more than twenty years of seeking to apply truths from the Bible to brokenness we encountered in the Majority World. We don’t follow them perfectly. We’re still learning every day. But they are the standard we strive for, the measuring stick we hold to. And as we do our best to be faithful to what God has taught us, He has been faithful to transform 1,000 communities and hundreds of thousands of lives.

If you want to learn more about how Reconciled World aligns our work to these seven core principles, you’re in the right place—read on! If you want to study the principles and examine how they might apply in your own work with vulnerable people, we encourage you to go to our learning website frameworkfortransformation.org, where you’ll find free downloads, articles, and much more.

Depending on God

Depending on God

It’s God who transforms. We need to look to Him for wisdom, provision, and supernatural intervention. Billions of dollars and millions of experts are just not enough. (And we don’t have access to either of those anyway.)

Nurturing Truth and Confronting Lies

Nurturing Truth & Confronting Lies

In our fallen world, every society is undergirded by both truth and lies. There are truths—such as the equal value of women, or a sense that with God’s help our efforts can make a difference—that are often missing. To see change, we need to nurture existing truths and counter the lies that cause brokenness.

Integrating Physical & Spiritual

Integrating Physical & Spiritual

Since we are whole persons, with souls firmly attached to bodies, every experience affects us both physically and spiritually. This impacts how we respond to all kinds of brokenness. We tend to fall between the physical category of “development” or the spiritual category of “missions,” trying to integrate both in every type of engagement.

Partnering with Churches

Partnering with Churches

Jesus describes the Church as His body and bride. He chooses to reveal Himself through the Church. Local churches are His chosen instrument for His involvement in the world. When the local church acts, God receives the glory, rather than the praise going to an individual or organization. That’s why the church is key to addressing brokenness.

Focusing on the Vulnerable

Focusing on the Vulnerable

Again and again in scripture, God reveals His heart for the vulnerable—orphans, widows, those who are hungry, oppressed, thirsty, sick, strangers, in prison, disabled, and poor. We want to reflect that passion.

Mobilizing Local Resources

Mobilizing Local Resources

God has not abandoned local churches and communities. He has gifted even the poorest with resources. We encourage people to discover and use those resources for God’s glory.

Pursuing God's Ways

Pursuing God’s Ways

God’s ways are higher than our ways, and we need to constantly seek God through prayer, scripture, and wise Christian advisors. For us, God’s ways include building His kingdom rather than our own and being generous with all He gives us.