Do you have a favorite Christmas song? Something that reminds you of the joy and anticipation of the Messiah’s birth?
One of my favorite songs has always been O Holy Night. And my favorite rendition is this one here by David Phelps.
If you can get past the 1980’s hairstyles it’s a pretty remarkable listen.
I find the song so worshipful. Every time I listen to these lyrics I am struck with the astonishing power and authority that Christ brought to this earth. The recognition of His infinite grace, overwhelming love and power to break the bondage of sin is awesome! I am especially drawn to the third verse, which says:
Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name
Let’s not forget this Christmas the perfect example that was gifted to us in the person of Jesus Christ:
We know how to love one another with caring compassion because of Jesus. It was His life that not only told us but showed us through countless examples of selflessness what love really looks like. Love that reunites, restores, reconciles and renews.
We can live and proclaim the gospel of peace to our friends, neighbors and co-workers because of Christ who came and broke through evil with life. He brought us freedom from the bondage of sin and death. That is not just good news but great news!
In Christ’s supremacy, chains shall he break. The chains of addiction, depression, neglect, hopelessness, and fatalism can be broken, shattered and abolished through God’s truth, which sets us free!
In His name all oppression shall cease. There is unconceivable power in that proclamation! It’s through the name of Jesus that prolonged cruelty and unjust treatment can be eliminated. The oppressed can live with justice and hope because of the Messiah. What hope that brings to our world of persecution!
Jesus gives us eternal, lasting hope in a decaying world. His promises should flood and overcome our lives compelling us into sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus. Our daily moments should resonate with acts of worship to the savior. Like a choir singing in harmony the lives of Christians should praise His holy name and point towards the king of glory.
Our message should be unmistakable and our voice unhindered this Christmas. Allow this song and the beauty of Christ’s birth to draw you to your knees in worship and gratefulness. It’s a simple Christmas song, but also a profound declaration of the kingdom of God bursting forth through the love of our Savior Jesus. Don’t allow yourself to forget the force and cosmic hope that was birthed that evening.
It was a Holy night indeed!
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