Savings Groups as Transformational Development

In When Helping Hurts, Brian Fikkert writes, “Development is not done to people or for people, but with people.” He talks a lot about savings groups as an example of good “with” type development. Our friends John and Kate Marsden [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:16:40-05:00June 20th, 2017|Categories: Stories, Mobilizing Local Resources|Tags: |

Housebuilding: TCT Asia

God is at work through the church. This video tells the story of an Act of Love from a community we work with in Asia. It's an inspiring example of how their church is being obedient to God and loving their [...]

Mobilizing Local Resources

We teach churches and individuals to use what God has given them to serve others. It’s super easy to read that sentence and move on. Honestly, I’ve read it--I’ve written it--about a hundred times. Can we just take a moment [...]

How God Provides

One of the things that we believe God has spoken loudly and clearly to us about is local fund raising. The typical international model is: get the money from the richest places and do the work in the poorest places. [...]

By |2017-09-18T19:23:17-05:00November 2nd, 2015|Categories: Stories, Truth Centered Transformation, Mobilizing Local Resources|Tags: |
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