YES: The Journey of TCT Multiplication

  It started with saying, “yes.”  For a couple of years, people from various countries and organizations had been contacting us, asking for our help in doing Truth Centered Transformation (TCT) in their own contexts. Every time we spoke at [...]

By |2018-05-16T16:01:31-05:00October 26th, 2015|Categories: Truth Centered Transformation, Pursuing God's Ways|Tags: , |

How Your Church Can Partner with Reconciled World

People are often surprised to hear about the progress being made in places that are very closed off to access by westerners. Many times, as we tell the stories of what God is doing among persecuted, impoverished churches in places [...]

By |2015-09-28T05:30:51-05:00September 28th, 2015|Categories: Core Principles, Learn and Apply|Tags: |

Why Churches Make the Best Partnerships

I remember visiting an orphanage in Haiti about 18 years ago. This was my first real cross-cultural experience so everything was intriguing and I asked hundreds of questions. One afternoon I was walking around the compound where we were staying [...]

By |2017-09-18T19:20:31-05:00September 17th, 2015|Categories: Core Principles, Partnering With Churches, Learn and Apply|Tags: |

Partnering With Churches: What Does That Really Mean?

Partnership is one of those tricky words that gets thrown around a lot. And it can mean different things to different people and organizations. Since one of Reconciled World’s Core Principles is “Partnering with Churches,” we want to take a [...]

International Wholistic Missions Conference 2015

The story went something like this: “What is the main priority of your ministry, I asked? He was a ministry leader in a Latin American country and I wasn’t sure exactly how he would answer this question. He paused and [...]

By |2017-09-08T10:06:32-05:00May 28th, 2015|Categories: Core Principles, Integrating Physical & Spiritual|Tags: , |

Integrating Faith and Business

John Beckett is a Christ follower, business leader, and author of Loving Monday and Mastering Monday. This month, as we reflect on our Core Value: integrating physical and spiritual, we asked John for permission to repost some of his writings on integration [...]

Why are Christians Living Lives Like Potluck Paper Plates?

A few months ago in my church we commissioned a family that was leaving to do “full time” ministry work in Europe. They had felt the call to go to Europe as missionaries and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ [...]

King’s Church Medway – Leading the Way in Integrated Ministry

When I was growing up (not that long ago, thanks), we had all the inward-focused ministries, like Sunday school and potlucks, and we had evangelism. I think we would have considered any activity that served the poor as “social gospel” [...]

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