Reconciliation with God: A Glorious Truth!

Imagine for a moment two close friends that have a falling out. They have an argument that ultimately leaves them estranged and not speaking to each other. Their once close friendship becomes strained, and they slowly drift further apart, gradually [...]

By |2014-04-23T05:30:47-05:00April 23rd, 2014|Categories: Learn and Apply|Tags: , |

How Can Churches Support Families with Disabilities?

The boy stood there, moving his arms in a rhythmic fashion, a bemused smile on his face. His mother watched from the corner of her eye, and the people were looking back and forth amazed. And then one person said [...]

By |2017-09-05T20:24:59-05:00April 7th, 2014|Categories: In His Image, Learn and Apply, 2:10|Tags: , |

For Whom Does Your Heart Break?

In the last decade, the plight of human trafficking has caught the national media’s attention.  Without a doubt, you have probably heard of this tragedy.  It is now commonplace to learn about organizations solely devoted to snuff out trafficking efforts [...]

By |2014-03-24T10:00:12-05:00March 24th, 2014|Categories: Learn and Apply|Tags: , |

Property or Co-heirs? Bringing Balance to Beliefs About Women

Throughout much of the world women are seen as property of their husbands. Abuse is far too common. Even in churches, there is often the basic belief that women have no real value or role in God’s kingdom. They are [...]

By |2014-03-21T05:30:46-05:00March 21st, 2014|Categories: Ending Gendercide, Learn and Apply|Tags: |
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