How Can Churches Support Families with Disabilities?

The boy stood there, moving his arms in a rhythmic fashion, a bemused smile on his face. His mother watched from the corner of her eye, and the people were looking back and forth amazed. And then one person said [...]

By |2017-09-05T20:24:59-05:00April 7th, 2014|Categories: In His Image, Learn and Apply, 2:10|Tags: , |

The Blessing of My Child

I have been blessed by God, abundantly. If I started counting the blessings, it would take forever, literally, for every breath that I breathe is a gift from HIM. However, today I want to discuss one of the biggest gifts [...]

By |2014-04-04T05:30:27-05:00April 4th, 2014|Categories: In His Image|Tags: |

What Can Churches do to Support Families with Disabilities?

As ministries wrestle with the ideas surrounding this question I am pleased to share with you a writing from my friend and ministry colleague who works at a center for the differently-abled in India. “Your child has a disability.” These [...]

By |2013-12-30T11:30:58-06:00December 30th, 2013|Categories: In His Image, Learn and Apply, 2:10|
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