Rooted and Built up in Him

Be a man challenge: Real men don’t beat their wives. Real men act respectfully with women. Real men help around the house. Real men don’t make family decisions without discussing it with their wives. Are you a real man? The [...]

God Answers Prayer in New Delhi’s Slums

In a few of the slum communities where Rahham has been working, the new churches have been focusing on prayer and fasting. Groups meet every day to pray. When they began this prayer focus in January 2017, the prayer requests [...]

By |2018-12-03T15:19:46-06:00February 26th, 2018|Categories: Programs, Rahham, Story Library|

TCT – Does it Work?

We began Truth Centered Transformation (TCT) nearly 15 years ago. It is a five-year church training program with three goals: 1) Glorify God, 2) Strengthen the church, and 3) see communities move out of poverty. We were stunned when we [...]

By |2019-05-23T15:33:29-05:00January 22nd, 2018|Categories: Programs, Stories, Truth Centered Transformation, Story Library|Tags: , |

Pray: Fatalism

I’ve just spent a month in Africa teaching the TCT program. One of the big things we look at during trainings are the beliefs that keep people locked in poverty. There are many. The South Sudanese team shared some really [...]

By |2017-09-08T10:12:51-05:00July 4th, 2017|Categories: Pray, Nurturing Truth & Confronting Lies, Truth Centered Transformation|Tags: |

Housebuilding: TCT Asia

God is at work through the church. This video tells the story of an Act of Love from a community we work with in Asia. It's an inspiring example of how their church is being obedient to God and loving their [...]

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