Peace in the storm” is the name of the painting. The story goes like this: 

There was a king who commissioned artists to paint a portrait of peace. His goal was to understand exactly what peace looked like. There were many different works of art submitted; placid lakes, tranquil grassy shorelines, calm blue skies… but the painting he chose was much different. 

The winning work of art was of a mountain. However, it was a sharp, rugged, craggy mountain. Overhead there was a stormy, threatening sky with lightning bolts, and coming off the mountain was a roaring waterfall. Everything but peace it seemed! But if you look really closely, behind the waterfall, in a little crack in the rock, there is a nest. In the nest was a bird peacefully tending to her young.

Painting is “Peace in the Midst of the Storm” by Jack E. Dawson

The king chose this work and then stated: “Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise or trouble or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” [1]

Biblical Peace

The Bible describes peace in a very similar way. In John 16:33 Jesus says:

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

Peace is not the absence of conflict or merely calm circumstances, while it could include that, peace is actually the presence of God in the midst of those circumstances. Biblical peace is not something we can create on our own, it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It’s shalom, wholeness, calmness, completeness with Jesus the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). [2] It is Jesus’ nearness that calms and gives us peace in the middle of the raging storm. 

In a world of chaos, violence, sadness, and instability, how do we know if we have that peace? That is the question I asked myself recently as I was praying over a large financial decision. I was praying for direction and that sense of “peace” over my decision. It was this process that prompted me to consider the question: “What does God’s peace tangibly look like in my life?” 

  • What does peace look like when I am wrestling with a difficult decision? 
  • What does peace look like when I am stressed and overwhelmed? 
  • What does peace look like when I am facing unknowns?

While it is surely a bit different for each person, here are a few of the indicators of God’s peace (or lack thereof) for me.

  1. My ability to rest. Rest and relaxation are often an indicator of God’s peace for me. On the flip side, a lack of peace affects my rest. If I am feeling twisted or unsure, or if God is prompting me to change course, I often can’t rest. I’m tense, super agitated, often can’t sleep, and my mind seems to be constantly running, prompting an inability to relax. For me peace and rest seem to be connected. 
  1. My attitude. If I’m at peace with a major issue in my life my attitude usually shows it. However, a lack of peace often affects my attitude in a negative way—irritability, impatience, and negativity. Without God’s presence and peace my small problems often become big problems and my attitude takes a turn for the worst. 
  1. A settled feeling. Another indicator is that I “feel” at peace. I feel like I can trust the outcome, no matter the results. However, for me a lack of peace is often accompanied by an unsettled feeling. I’m simply not able to let the issue go. I get consumed with the decision, or I continue to be overwhelmed by the unknowns or stresses. Maybe you can relate to this, but it just seems like the Spirit continues to prompt me with an unsettled feeling until I change course or fully surrender the issue over to God. 
  1. Joy. Simply put, joy is an indicator of peace. Peace comes when we choose to trust God’s goodness rather than in a specific outcome we want. When I know I can be joyful no matter the outcome, then I know that’s peace.

There are certainly many more indicators that could be shared but those are a few of the major ones for me. What about you? What are the things in your life that indicate a sense of peace from God? I would love to hear! 

Like a bird covering its nest in the raging storm, God offers His peace to us. I pray peace over each of you. That, no matter the decisions or circumstances you face, you will find peace and shalom to accompany you every step along the way. 

Growth Point:

In times of difficulty, it is possible to know God’s peace through everyday indicators.

Scripture Point:

Read Philippians 4:6. Reflect on the promises God gives in this verse. 

Action Point:

Take time this week to recall times in your life that you have felt God’s peace during difficulty. Be encouraged and thank God for His promises and presence during these times.