If you are like me you hate interruptions. There is nothing more frustrating than when you settle in to work on an important project and the interruptions begin. Phone rings, dog barks, children whine for snacks and on and on. They seem to be all too common in my life. There are days that I just want to put a DO NOT DISTURB sign around my life! 

However, the truth is no matter how hard we try, interruptions are unavoidable. Things break. Accidents happen. Traffic is slow. Unexpected illnesses change our plans. Pandemics break out. Interruptions, inconveniences and frustrations are a way of life. 

As I have reflected on interruptions (especially during this season of COVID) I have come to conclude a few things. Here are three realities about our interruptions that I don’t think we should miss. 

1. Though interruptions are unexpected and frustrating to me, they don’t catch God off guard. They are not random, meaningless events. Interruptions can have a purpose.

More often than not our personal plans don’t include interruptions, especially in the form of bold moves, abrupt changes or painful experiences. No one plans for these things. These aren’t what we choose. Yet, I believe God takes us to uncomfortable places for a purpose – to show His faithfulness. The truth is the comfortable way is not always the best way. When we step out of our comfort zones, or better yet are forced out of our comfort zones, God teaches us to trust Him. To rely on Him for strength, wisdom or direction. It’s not easy and not fun – but our interruptions can serve a higher purpose and they never catch God off guard.

2. Avoiding Interruptions is dangerous.

We cannot live our lives walking around with “Do not disturb” signs on our heart wholly focused on our own agenda and our own desires. It’s dangerous because if we avoid the interruptions, we risk missing God. We risk missing opportunities meant to change and shape us. We risk missing divine moments that God wants to use to transform us into Christ’s image.  

Rarely does God do something big in someone’s life on a human agenda. Most of the time when God wants to do something in your life he has to interrupt your script. Like Moses, Noah, David, Mary and many others in the Bible, God’s work in our life often begins as an interruption. However, when we interrupt-proof our lives we often miss out on what God wants to do in us. And missing that is tragic

3. Interruptions are God’s grace.

My plan would be smooth sailing. Comfort, met expectations, stability, known outcomes – but thankfully that is not God’s plan. By God’s grace my interruptions will help me grow and mature into a person that can make a difference in this world and for eternity. 

Interruptions remind us that we don’t have life figured out and that we can’t do it on our own. That’s God’s grace that He would teach us that. That’s God’s grace that He would desire to grow us and not keep us where we are. 

God’s faithfulness

I know that many of us have faced unexpected interruptions over the past months. I want to encourage you to know that God is with you. That God wants to use these interruptions to draw you near to Him. To reveal to you His faithfulness and mercy. To grow you into the person He knows you can be. 

May your interruptions large and small teach you of God’s loving kindness and faithful determination to grow you and make you a recipient of His amazing grace.

Growth Point:

God uses interruptions to grow us into the image of Christ and shape us with His grace.

Scripture Point:

Read 2 Chronicles 16:9.

Action Point:

According to 2 Chronicles 16:9 God looks for hearts that are committed to Him. How might God be using your interruptions to deepen your commitment to Him?
