Every region of the world has its seasons that are stunning. For me, in the northern USA, autumn is one of those. 

Over the past two weeks autumn has been on full display. The bright and vivid colors of the leaves—marigold yellow, blood orange and plum purple—so intense, rich and brilliant. Leaves clinging with their last bit of life, glowing with dazzling shades of yellow and orange almost like flames of fire hanging from each tree branch. The grass and roadways are covered with a carpet of gold, creating runways of colors down the street. Right now, in my town, creation is extra beautiful and expressive!

As I have taken in the colors over the last few days, I have also been listening to God speak to me about autumn. About this season and how He wants me to understand it. How He wants to reveal Himself to us through every shade, tint, and color of the season. 

Creation always has and always will speak of God’s character, power, and goodness. Verses like Romans 1:20 talk about how the everlasting and eternal qualities of God are seen in creation. But no season, I think, does that more beautifully than autumn. 

Here are some of the things God has been reminding me:

1. Autumn reminds me to wonder.

In autumn the creativity of God just hollers at you: “Look at these amazing things!” The creativity, diversity, detail, and stunning beauty of God are just everywhere in this season. 

Psalm 19 says: “The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.”  

Creation is amazing! And it’s all made by a God who never stops creating. Autumn reminds us to wonder at the Creator of the world around us.  

2. Autumn reminds me to trust 

When I feel the crisp autumn air and see the kaleidoscope of colors and smells, I am reminded that God is with me. That God is in this. His hand is on creation—sustaining, renewing, and restoring. God isn’t a dead stone statue that sits on an altar somewhere; NO, he is a living, personal, and creating God! 

His presence exists in the cycle of seasons and the changes around us. And He reminds me that He is worthy to be trusted. He reminds me that His promises to renew and restore creation are just as true for me.

3. Autumn reminds me of His death

Inevitably autumn’s beauty will fade into winter’s chill and silence. The changing colors of leaves reminds me that death is happening. Winter is coming; death is a part of life. Just as the leaves are slowly fading unto death, so too am I. 

Autumn reminds me that I too will die. The curse of death and sin is upon me, and winter will soon overtake my life. The Bible says this about life: “For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes” (James 4:14). 

It’s a sobering thought—that just like autumn, none of us lasts forever on this earth.

But here is where the beauty of Autumn comes in. It also reminds me that death isn’t the end. One man broke through the death of winter and brought new life! Jesus spent three days in death – much like the brown leaves I see withering in the dirt.  But just like the trees will come to life again in the spring, Jesus came back in everlasting glory.  Jesus broke the curse of death for you and me. 

Death has no sting; winter has no bite. With Jesus we will flower again in the eternal glorious presence of God. What a promise! [1]

How is creation speaking to you?

If you are in a desert, the highlands, a jungle, or the mountains, God is using creation to speak to you. To teach you of His limitless power, creativity, and love. 

If your heart is troubled and life’s noises are loud and overwhelming, get outside. Surround yourself with the constant presence of God that’s growing, moving, and changing all around. Let this season remind you to wonder in God, to trust in His promises, and to remember the death that offers everlasting life.

Growth Point:

God uses creation to speak of His power, glory, faithfulness, and love.

Scripture Point:

Read Romans 1:20. What does this verse tell you about how God is revealed through creation?

Action Point:

Take an hour this week to get out into creation. Have no agenda other than to listen to God. What is God saying to you?