Jesus used the mustard seed as a symbol of something tiny. Did you know that the mustard seed is so small that it takes around 500 of them to make a single gram?! (In western terms, 18,000 in an ounce.) It’s a very small seed! [1] But Jesus goes on to say in His parable in Mark 4 that the mustard seed is “the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of all garden plants…” 

As I reflected on this parable recently, I came away with this image: Jesus wants us to realize that through Him something very small can become large, that something seemingly insignificant can become of great significance. 

I think we see this kingdom truth displayed uniquely in the life of David. David was like a mustard seed. He was the youngest son in a family of eight boys. He was ignored and given the job no one else in the family wanted—taking care of the sheep. God took the mustard seed and made a giant-killing king out of him. 

There are probably many days that you feel small, insignificant, unimportant… and to some degree it’s true. In the grand scheme of things, you are a mustard seed. You are small. You are tiny. Most of the people on this planet may never know your name. But my encouragement to you is this: God decided to save you, fill you, give you a new heart, new mind, new purpose, and new direction. You can be used to bless many people for God’s glory. You can be an incredible witness and encouragement today! Don’t focus on the size of you, focus on the size of the God who can use you. 

Mustard seed moments

How does God want to take the small insignificant moments in your daily routine and make them into significant blessings for others? What mustard seed moments do you have? 

  • That passing conversation you have where you encourage someone struggling with difficulty. That may be the turning point they need.
  • That short prayer you pray with your friend may be the key to mountains being moved in their life.
  • That small act of generosity you make could be just the thing a colleague needs to get through a challenging crisis.
  • An act of kindness that is prompted by your faith may be the inspiration a church you work with needs to move forward. 

 Small things can become big things through Christ. My friends, be encouraged by your faithful witness. As you labor in zoom calls, online training, in person conversations and leadership in your church and community keep planting mustard seeds. Take advantage of the moments to love and encourage others. Be alert, faithful, and obedient to the opportunities that you are given. God may want to take what seems insignificant to you and turn it into a blessing that reaches many.

Growth Point:

God can use the insignificant moments in our lives to bring great blessings to others. 

Scripture Point:

Read Mark 4:26-34.

Action Point:

Have small moments of faithfulness or random acts of kindness ever made a significant impact on you? What has God taught you from those moments? What does obedience to the mustard seed moments in your life mean to you?