I remember it clearly, like it was yesterday, when the morning clouds and fog burned away and the Himalayan Mountains came bursting into view. It was as if a painter decided to add another layer of beauty across the already magnificent landscape. It was breathtaking and awe inspiring. I remember pausing for a moment, audibly saying, “Wow!” and then the song “How Great thou Art” started to fill my mind.

O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder

Consider all the worlds thy hands have made…”

Maybe you have been there before. You see something that is stunning and wondrous and your first response is “Wow! Praise God.” What is it about creation that helps us delight in the Lord? Why does my heart leap and my lips praise God when creation takes my breath away? How is creation a capsule that reveals God’s glory?

Here are some thoughts to ponder as you find delight in God through creation.

Creation reveals God’s goodness

It is easy for me to delight in what is good. Whether that is an image, a picture of justice or an emotion, delight seems to be a natural response to things that are good. In Genesis 1:31 God declares:

He saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good.”

God’s goodness is written all over creation. As we experience the goodness of God each day, may our hearts be pointed to the good God who created it all.

Creation reveals God’s provision

Creation is one of many reminders that God provides for all of our needs. From rain to warmth to shelter to work to air for breathing—God provides, sustains and renews. To God be the glory!

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

Creation is a faithful daily reminder that God provides according to His glorious riches.

Creation reveals God’s Creativity

Stop for a moment and observe creation. You won’t need to look long to see that God is extraordinarily creative. From flowers and insects to zebras and peacocks, God displays a vast array of creativity. Yet, above it all is the beauty and creativity of humankind, which is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalms 139:14). All of creation reveals to us that God has uniquely and creatively designed you. There is only one you and God has declared you “very good” (Genesis 1:31)!

Creation reveals God’s Power

Have you ever been knocked over by a wave in the ocean or been caught up in a blizzard or thunderstorm? Creation has power in it that can’t be harnessed by people. As we observe God’s power in creation, we are reminded that God himself controls all things. He alone rules the sky and directs the seas. Nothing is too difficult for the Lord.

“I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27)

May God’s power in creation be a reminder to each of us that the Creator of the universe has chosen to call us by name. Chosen to draw near to us in love and to care for our every need.

Creation reveals God’s faithfulness

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).

God is faithful and true. In creation we see God’s faithfulness. As the seed sprouts in spring and the flowers return after a forest fire, so God remains faithful to sustain and renew us in our seasons of life. Creation reminds us that God faithfully gives life and breath and that each new day brings opportunity to live and experience His never-ending love.

Allow creation to remind you of God’s faithful commitment to you.

Creation reveals God’s love

The love of God can be seen all over creation. We see His love in the way that parents (both human and animal) instinctively look after their young. We see it in the way that creation provides for the needs of all living creatures. We are reminded of it in rainbows and daisies, galaxies and morning sunrises. Take a moment, observe creation, and see its incredible beauty. Allow all that surrounds you to be a mighty reminder that God loves you.

“The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love” (Psalms 33:5).

Brimming with Glory

The universe is brimming with the glory of God. Isaiah 6:3 declares that the “whole earth is full of His glory.” No matter where we live, there is beauty to behold. The universe is like a container that is filled with God’s beauty, love, and glory. It’s a billboard that points us to God and reveals His divine nature, love, and faithfulness. As followers of Jesus, it is our privilege to be reminded each day that God is worth delighting in. I encourage you to see through the busyness of work and life and set your eyes upon the artistic handiwork of God. To rejoice and be glad in Him!

Growth Point:

Creation is full of God’s glory and gives us opportunity each day to be reminded to delight in the Lord.

Scripture Point:

Read Romans 1:20. What does this chapter teach you about the glory of God in creation?

Action Point:

Be intentional! Closely observe creation around you and see the handiwork of God. Make a list of 15 ways you saw God in creation today.
