Have you ever wondered why God gave you your five senses? Why taste, touch, smell, sight and sound were part of the human design? For a long time I think I misunderstood why. Like most people, I tended to think my five senses were about me. Given to me by God for the purposes of avoiding danger, learning, studying and helping me navigate the world around me. However, as I have matured in my faith walk with Jesus, I have come to realize that God has given them to me (like all things) to point back to Himself. To bring glory to His name.

I have come to understand that experiencing the smells, tastes, sounds, sights, and textures of this world are simply the backdrop for me to begin to comprehend the immeasurable glory of God our King. That in my knowing pleasure I might experience His glory and delight in Him.

God’s invitation

Psalms 34:8 says: “Taste and see that the LORD is good.”

Think of it this way. You could Google “mango” and learn about the fruit: its origins, its texture, its average weight and size, and about other characteristics. You could even become a so-called expert on mangos by researching them and speaking to others who are experts on mangos.

But imagine if you had never tasted one.

There is no substitute for actually seeing a real, beautiful, colorful mango; touching the smooth skin and feeling the slight “give” of the ripe fruit in your hand; smelling the delightfully fragrant mango aroma; biting down into the delicious fruit, savoring it’s rich sweetness and feeling the mango juice run down between your fingers.

God wants us to know Him, not just in part, but in fullness. To completely experience the joy, glory, and depth of who He is. Through our senses, God gifts us pleasure, laughter, security, satisfaction, and delight. All so that our souls might be totally, entirely, wholly refreshed in Him! So we can proclaim that our mouths have tasted, our eyes have seen, our ears have heard and our noses have smelled the very glory of God. [3]

It’s a daily, moment-by-moment invitation: “Come, taste and see, experience me! Know first hand that I am GOOD! Oh so absolutely, utterly good!”

Turning the mundane into delight

The privilege set before you over the coming days is to simply delight in the Lord through your senses. This is probably totally different for each of us. So make it your own by intentionally recognizing the world around you. In doing so, realize that God wants you to enjoy and take pleasure in life. Your senses are not just for functionality but for delighting in Him! Below are some thoughts to help prompt your delighting over the coming days.

1. Sight

With your eyes, look around you. What do you see? Your computer? Your desk? A picture of your family? Your reflection? Thank God for the gift of sight. Thank Him for the many blessings He has given you through your sight. Think of the many ways you can use your sight to honor and glorify Him.

Recognize the beauty around you. See His majesty through lightning and sunsets, flowers and butterflies. The Bible tells us to look to Jesus. He may be invisible, but He shows Himself to us in numerous ways on a daily basis. [1]

2. Hearing

With your ears, listen. What do you hear? The birds singing? Laughter? Music? The steady hum of your fan or air-con? The roar of the street outside? Thank God for the gift of hearing. Thank Him for the joys of human interaction and communication through sound.

Recognize Him in the little melodies and the grandness of nature’s sounds. He is gentle and great; whispers and thunder. It’s easy to get lost in the noise around us, but God tells us to be still and know that He is God (Psalms 46:10)—to listen for His quiet and gentle voice. [1]

3. Smell

With your nose, take a breath. What do you smell? Chicken curry or fried fish coming from your neighbor’s house? Your mother’s favorite perfume? Fresh laundry? Thank God for the gift of smell. Thank Him for community and the diversity of cultures we have been blessed with. Thank Him for fond memories that certain smells bring back to mind. [1]

Recognize Him in the scents and fragrances. Smell God in the freshness of the rain and the waft of lunch cooking and remember that God is your sustainer. He purifies and provides. Praise Him and may your delight be like a pleasing aroma to Him. (2 Cor. 2:15)

4. Taste

With your tongue, savor the flavors you put into your mouth. What do you taste? Intricate blends of different herbs? The sweetness of fruits and vegetables? The zest of lime or the earthiness of freshly baked bread? Thank God for the gift of taste. Thank Him for the richness of history and culture behind the things we eat.

Recognize God in the diversity of flavor. Know He is God in the bitter and sweet moments, He is your refreshment in the obstacles of life. As you take delight in the food you eat, also take delight in knowing God’s loves for you is vast and beyond measure.

5. Touch

With your skin, feel. What do you feel—How do you feel? Warm? Cold? Soft? Rough? Comfortable? Cozy? Thank God for the gift of touch. Thank Him for the clothes on your back and the blankets on your bed; for the day-to-day interactions like a casual handshake or pat on the shoulder. [1]

Recognize God in the emotions and feelings that come through touch. Appreciate the kind touches we give and receive from others—a bear hug, an arm to lean on, a squeeze of the hand during takeoff—these are more than just little gestures. Together they add to the sum of goodness in the world. We may not be able to physically touch God, but through the sense of touch we can capture the loving heart of God, allowing us to praise Him even more! [2]

I am excited to delight in the Lord over the coming weeks through the five senses. May this experience deepen our appreciation for the gift of the senses and point us to the Father in heaven who loves us and blesses us in every good gift.

Growth Point:

The five senses are a gift from God meant to give us pleasure and point us towards His glory.

Scripture Point:

Read Isaiah 6. Imagine the scene and recognize the power of the senses described in this chapter. Reflect on how you have experienced God’s holiness through your senses.

Action Point:

Be intentional today! Recognize God through the large and small interactions of your senses today. Journal what you learn about God and how these emotions teach you about His love for you.