Our world craves good leaders. We are looking for them in politics, business, education – everywhere…. even in ministry. We long for people who will effectively lead while facing the overwhelming challenges of our day. The problem however, doesn’t seem to be the shortage of willing leaders, rather a shortage of capable Godly leaders.

Through the Healthy Leadership series, I would like to take a more in-depth look at aspects of healthy leadership. I pray these ideas will encourage and shape you as you lead!

For some leaders, the greatest challenge is becoming the kind of person that others want to follow.

So you have been placed in a position of leadership… will you lead with godly influence? Will your leadership be positive, encouraging and godly? Will others follow? You have great ideas, big dreams and noble aspirations, but without followers you realize you aren’t much of a leader at all.

Our tendency as ministry leaders is to believe that our greatest influence will come through our position or power, when in reality it’s our character that will influence people the most. The most influential leaders are those that people choose to follow because they trust and believe in them.

Godly leadership is led by the Holy Spirit and a product of godly character. Without the guiding of the Holy Spirit, leaders may hold positions, but they will not be Godly leaders.

I have gathered seven statements that I hope will encourage and challenge you towards godly character in your leadership. Take a moment to reflect on each statement. Where is God seeking to grow your character as a leader? Be open to listening and applying what God shares with you today.

1. Godly success is not defined in terms of ability – it is a matter of obedience.


“And keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in His ways and keeping His statutes, His commandments, His rules, and His testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn.” – 1 Kings 2:3


2. More than anything else, people are looking for godly leaders who are clearly experiencing God’s presence.


“You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13


3. Godly leaders do not despair when people fight against them. Those who are secure in their relationship with God know that their enemies cannot prevent them from achieving God’s purposes for their lives.


“When He was reviled, He did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly.” – 1 Peter 2:23


4. Godly leadership flows out of a person’s vibrant, intimate relationship with God.


“Call to Me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” – Jeremiah 33:3


5. Some Godly leaders try to be more committed. What they need is to be more submitted.


“I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart.” – Psalms 40:8


6. Leaders without integrity may promote worthwhile causes, yet fail to gain people’s loyalty because their lives discredit the validity of their work.


“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” Proverbs 10:9


7. Godly leaders determine to hold nothing back from Christ’s absolute lordship over their lives.


“And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.” – Psalms 9:10


Why are people following you? Is it because they are paid to do so? Is it because they can’t find a better job? Is it because they believe it is their duty? Or, do they see the activity of God in your life? Do they recognize in your character and integrity the mark of God? Do they sense that God is with you? Godly influence does not come automatically or easily. It is not something leaders can demand. It is something God must produce in you.

Reconciled World is blessed to be filled with people of godly character.  May we all seek more of the Lord to become even more submitted godly leaders for his kingdom!

Growth Point

Godly leadership is led by the Holy Spirit and a product of godly character

Scripture Point

Reflect on the significance of John 3:30.

Action Point

Select one statement from above.  Pray and ask for wisdom regarding the meaning of this statement for you. What is God saying to you? With God’s help, how can you apply this idea to your leadership this week?


Content drawn from:

Blackaby, Henry & Richard. Spiritual Leadership. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2001. Print.