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I searched the word “leadership” in Google and over 4 billion sites of information appeared. And while the search brought about great insights regarding the use of encouragement, delegation, adaptability, integrity and many other great values of leadership; none in the first 15-20 links said anything about prayer. Interesting. Especially for us as Christian leaders. 

I believe that prayer, above all other attributes, is most vital to Godly leadership. Or said in another way: “Your ability to lead effectively may well be a reflection of your time with God in prayer.[1] 

5 Reasons why prayer in leadership is vital

  1. Prayer aligns us to God’s plans: As leaders we need to lay down our desires and learn to submit to God’s will. When we pray; God speaks, He reveals, He guides, He leads. As leaders we must be asking, seeking and searching for God’s ways and His plans in all we do. Prayer aligns us to His will. (Psalm 32:8)
  2. Prayer keeps us humble and dependant: Our self sufficiency often leads us away from prayer. We try to tackle things with our own strength. However, when we pray we are admitting that we need God and need his leadership. Prayer has a unique way of humbling us, and revealing to us our weaknesses, while showing us we need deeper trust and dependence on God. (Psalm 73:26)
  3. Prayer strengthens us in hard times: Difficult times will come in leadership. By seeking God in prayer we are reminded of God’s power and peace to help us overcome. Praying doesn’t necessarily take away the difficulties but it does allow God to fill us with wisdom, patience, peace and perseverance. (Psalm 46:1-3)
  4. Prayer softens our heart for others. Through prayer we gain empathy, patience and grace for those we lead. God can change our heart, preparing us to serve and care for others in a more Godly way. (Matthew 5:43-48)
  5. Prayer protects us: By seeking God in prayer we better avoid temptation in all its forms. As leaders we are vulnerable to pride, selfishness, impatience, lust and greed to name a few. Asking God to protect and guard us is key to Godly leadership. (2 Thess. 3:3-5)

As leaders, prayer is the most important tool we have to lead in a Godly way. The apostle Paul gives us a splendid example of the role prayer plays in leadership Throughout his writings we can see he valued greatly the role of prayer. Here are a few of many verses we see:

  • Prayed for Unity: Romans 15:5-6
  • Prayed for strengthening: 1 Thess. 3:13
  • Prayed for Godly Living: Col. 1:10
  • Prayed for increased knowledge: Eph. 1:17
  • Prayed for God’s will to be done: Phil 1:9-10
  • Prayed for Peace: 2 Thess. 3:16
  • Prayed for hope: Rom. 15:13
  • Prayed for deeper understanding: Eph. 3:20

It does not matter how smart, well-intentioned or knowledgable we are because our competence, skills, and talents are simply not enough for the task of leading others in ministry. That role is just too big for us to handle without continual prayer. Like Paul, we too need to seek God with urgency and intentionality to be the leader’s that God has called us to be. 

The Reconciled World week of prayer is coming soon! April 10-15. I look forward to spending the week praying with you and growing in these areas together. 

[1] https://leadmin.org/articles/leading-through-prayer