Welcome to the Flourish blog! I am excited about the launch of this new resource! “Flourish” is a blog by Reconciled World that aims to encourage, challenge, resource and support you in your work and personal life. I believe that thriving and fruitful leaders are the product of wholistically healthy lifestyles. While that place of healthiness may seem far away for you I hope this blog is a way of encouraging you towards that means. I am also excited to partner with you in this journey. There is little that excites me more than watching the Lord work in the lives of others. I find great joy in being a part of helping others be planted, grow and bloom in the place where God has them.

This blog accompanies a new role that I am beginning with Reconciled World. The task is currently being defined as pastoral care. My hope is that I might be able to support and encourage each of you in your ministry, life and spiritual journey with the Lord.

Initially I would like to offer you support in the following ways:

  1. This blog resource. Here is where I hope to post articles that deal with the variety of struggles we as a staff might be facing; everything from stress and time management to listening to God to biblical leadership. I hope to post articles twice a month for your encouragement.
  2. Personal conversations through Skype. I have already met with a few of you but I hope to connect with each of you on a semi-regular basis through Skype. This would give us a chance to talk about life and ministry (what is exciting you and what is draining you) and give you an opportunity to share your thoughts with me. My Skype address is: john.t.warden Also, feel free to email me to set up a time to talk.
  3. Occasional meetings in person. As time allows I look forward to connecting with you at RW Family Gatherings as well as other organizational events.

Having been in full time vocational ministry for more than 15 years I recognize the stress and demands of leading ministry. While I don’t pretend to have the answers I realize that sometimes having a friend to talk with and walk through challenges and victories with is a significant source of encouragement.

Why the name Flourish?

I derived the name of this blog from Psalms 92:13-14, which reads:

“Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing,”

What a wonderful and powerful promise God gives! As you seek to be planted in the house of the Lord, God assures that you will not only change but also produce fruit across the span of your life. What an encouraging thought! While you will no doubt face challenges and obstacles along the way, it is God’s will that you flourish in every area of your life – from your relationships to your career, in your health and leadership, to your spiritual life and your ministry. And the beautiful thing is God has given you resources so that you don’t have to go at it alone! In his grace God has given us his word, others and the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us along the way. My hope is that I might be one of those resources for each of you.

Thank you in advance for the opportunity to partner with you in this. It is a privilege and a personal blessing! I will leave you with this truth:

No matter where you find yourself in the journey of life you can rest in the truth that God wants you to flourish!