Our focus this year has been listening to God, but the reality is, for many faithful Christians, there are times when God seems silent.

Sometimes the silence comes when life is going well. But often, the quiet comes in the midst of pain – relational betrayals, loss of a loved one, or devastating sickness. When we need God the most, he seems the farthest.

Struggling to hear from God can shake us. When it seems like our faith doesn’t work, we have questions. We are not alone in this. John the Baptist boldly declared that Jesus was the Son of God, but then he was thrown in prison. And Jesus didn’t save him. In his dark time, he sent people to ask Jesus if Jesus was the Messiah (Luke 7:18-23). Peter also seemed to doubt as he watched Jesus be arrested and face death. To three different people, Peter denied that he knew Jesus (Matthew 26:69-75).

Although doubt is normal in hard times, Christians throughout history have also been strengthened as they have gone through desert seasons. Paul even said that he rejoiced in his suffering which included imprisonment, beatings, and being shipwrecked (Colossians 1:24).

So how do we weather these storms and allow them to draw us into God? Here are some ideas.

Remember you are not alone. Many strong women and men of faith have gone through painful seasons of silence. These seasons are not necessarily a result of sin or doing anything wrong. Even Jesus echoed the pain of being met with God’s silence when he cried out from the cross, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ (Matthew 27:46).

Seek God. You have one life in which to seek Him with all your heart. What a beautiful offering to keep seeking Jesus through pain. Let the spiritual disciplines of prayer, reading the Bible, gathering with believers, fasting, and solitude carry you through this time. Even when God feels far, we can rest in the truth that He will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5).

Change the ‘why’ to a ‘what’. God’s ways are mysterious. We may never understand why these painful seasons happen. If we put all of our energy into trying to understand why, we may miss what God is doing. Instead ask God what he wants to do in your life through this pain. How is he using it to shape you? In what ways will He be able to use you because you have walked through this pain?

Remember that God remains the same. As young Christians, we often think that if God is good, He will do what we want. But God’s ways are different from our ways. We can’t always understand why certain things happen. But we can know who God is! He is always gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love (Psalm 103:8).

Set your heart on eternity. This world is temporary. The Bible describes it as a shadow, a withering flower, and a mist (Job 14:2; James 4:14). But eternity is forever. And there, every tear will be wiped away. Keep your eyes focused on this reality that is waiting for you.

Take a moment to review the following devotional and reflect on a time when God led you through a valley.