Who or what do you have in your life to warn you when things aren’t right?

I ran across an article recently about miners using canaries to warn them of toxic gasses inside mines. [1] Prior to 1986 it was common for mining operations throughout North America and Europe to use canary song birds to accompany miners in coal mines. Canaries, like many other birds, are extra sensitive to colorless and odorless gasses like carbon Monoxide. Their anatomy is uniquely designed to alert them when a high level of toxic gas exists. Long before the human body is aware of the gasses, the song birds will start showing signs of fatigue and weakness, giving clear signs that the air is not safe. The birds would chirp all day long, but when the carbon monoxide levels rose too high, their singing would stop. The miners then knew they needed to leave the mine immediately or risk illness or death.

As ministry leaders it is vitally important that we have “canaries” in our lives to warn us when things aren’t right. We all need people, circumstances, and outlets around us that help us know when we are nearing a bad decision or burn out or when we’re becoming emotionally, physically, or spiritually unhealthy.  

3 reasons leaders need canaries

  1. Pressure is high. Both external pressure (that which comes upon us from outside) and internal pressure (that which we put upon ourselves personally) can be crippling to leaders. A recent study shows that 53% of leaders become close minded and controlling during times of crisis and high pressure. [2]
  1. Temptation is everywhere. Accountability on every level is extremely important for leaders. Leaders can become isolated under pressure and, ultimately, vulnerable to temptation if proper accountability is lacking. 
  1. Dry seasons are inevitable. Every Christian leader experiences seasons of spiritual dryness at some point. It is very easy for leaders to drift, become discouraged, or feel distant from God if they are lacking proper community and support during dry seasons. 

Every Christian leader is vulnerable to these realities. Therefore, having a healthy structure in place that allows you to see warning signs ahead of time is valuable.  

3 canaries every leader needs

  1. People. Every leader needs people in their lives that care more about their spiritual and emotional health than their career success. Surround yourself with people who will be honest and have your best interest in mind. Who are the people in your life that love you enough to warn you when the danger is approaching? 
  1. Margin. Margins are the blank spaces around the edge of a written paper. Our lives also need margins. Margin will not only help you value rest (which every leader needs), but it also gives you some space to see the potential dangers ahead. Rest from work and responsibilities—time for fun and recovery—gives us as leaders space to evaluate our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Do you have proper margin in your life?
  1. God’s Word. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that “all scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” Time with God’s word opens our eyes to blind spots in leadership. The Holy Spirit is a master at revealing truth and forewarning of danger. Are you allowing the Holy Spirit sufficient time to bring warning, correction, and rebuke into your life? 

A canary culture

Although the practice of using canaries as warning birds ended in 1988, many of the miners had mixed feelings. The canaries were “so ingrained in the culture, miners report whistling to the birds and coaxing them as they worked, treating them as pets.”[1] As Christian leaders we must seek to create a culture where we recognize and value people, circumstances, and outlets that bring proper warning of danger. Surrounding ourselves with a few canaries to help lead and redirect us along the path of leadership is necessary. 

I pray that God gifts each of you with a few canaries that will care for your life and warn you when danger is approaching.

Growth Point:

Every Christian leader needs resources in their life that warn them when burn out and unhealthiness is ahead 

Scripture Point:

Reflect on Proverbs 3:5-6. 

Action Point:

Where are the canaries in your life? If you don’t have someone who can support you in this way, pray for God to give you one or two people.  

[1] https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/story-real-canary-coal-mine-180961570/
[2] https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/leadership-under-pressure
The Emotionally Healthy Leader, Scazzero, Peter. Zondervian, 2015.