This week I am in a log cabin in the woods, sitting by a fire thinking about hot chocolate. I’m also attending the Global Leadership Team meeting for Disciple Nations Alliance (DNA). It’s a fantastic location and a fantastic organisation. I’m thrilled to be on the board and Council of Elders of this organisation. (Although a little disturbed that I can find myself in anything that implies I could be ‘elder’ while still in my early forties).
DNA’s mission is helping the Church rise to her full potential as God’s principle agent in restoring, healing and blessing broken nations. Needless to say, I’m all about that. The teaching of DNA is where I first encountered the ideas that formed the foundation for the Truth-Centered Transformation program—things like the impact of our beliefs on our behaviour and the centrality of the church in transforming nations. In reality, our program started as an experiment to see if the ideas would work. Due to my own lack of faith, I was surprised when the application of those ideas resulted in hundreds of communities moving out of poverty!
As an organisation, Reconciled World is focused on seeing the core ideas that DNA teaches applied to various situations. We have adapted the ideas, and they now form our guiding principles.
In India, God has lead the team to start three separate programs demonstrating the power of these ideas to bring transformation—one in art, one starting a movement against gendercide, and one demonstrating the God-given potential of those with disabilities. Again the application of these ideas, by God’s grace, is starting to make a difference.
This week I have the privilege of meeting with the team that makes up the leadership of DNA. The team comes from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the US. I am excited to see what God has for us, to see where He is leading next. I love listening to the stories of what God is doing around the world. Stories like the one of Venezuelan gangs calling a truce with help from local churches or how at YWAM, Darrow Miller, a founder of DNA, taught about the dignity of women, seeing leaders from 21 nations come ‘unglued.’
This week I get to hang out with these leaders, praying about direction and drinking hot chocolate. I live a much-blessed life.
Image courtesy of Ranch Organics / Facebook
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