It was hard to believe Savita had any chances of survival. She was experiencing her eighth miscarriage as the three-month-old fetus spontaneously aborted amongst heavy bleeding. Savita went into a coma, and the doctors had no hope for her recovery.
Her husband’s heart sank inside his chest. They had gone through the trauma of all the earlier losses together, but now his wife’s life was on the line. As Ajit was sitting numbly in the hospital hall, out of the blue a young janitor started talking to him. He said something about calling on the name of Jesus. Ajit and his family had always hated Christians and their God. He remembered how years before he had angrily forbidden his younger sister to even visit a church. Yet now, in utter desperation, he decided to give this Jesus a chance. What could he lose? He walked to a nearby church, stood outside its walls, and cried out to Him. God listened to his request and saved Savita’s life.
After her recovery, Savita and Ajit had a deep hunger to know more about Jesus. Through some connections, one of Rahham’s volunteers met the couple and invited them to the monthly fellowship meetings. Since March 2015 they have never missed a gathering. They come with joy and excitement every time, ready to worship God with other believers. On top of that, they have brought several curious neighbors, friends, and family members with them who have been witnessing God’s healing in their lives.
By His grace, Savita and Ajit were baptized last Easter, and a couple months ago Rahham helped start a small church of about 20 in their village. They meet weekly to worship, pray and study God’s Word. Miraculously, the couple is also expecting another baby! The pregnancy was confirmed on the day of their baptism. God has been using Savita and Ajit’s testimony of His grace, healing and love to draw others in their village close to Himself. Many of their non-believing relatives are watching to find out if this God will protect the developing baby in Savita’s womb, and they are ready to follow Him if He does.
Because of the obvious risk of another miscarriage, Savita has to be as careful as possible. Doctors recommended complete bed rest for the last four to five months of the pregnancy. Unfortunately, the couple cannot afford for her to stay at home. She works as an ayah, a housemaid, at two different homes. Ajit rides a cycle rickshaw and can hardly compete with the faster auto rickshaws available everywhere now. The couple fosters Ajit’s nephew, and they struggle to make ends meet with their low income. Rahham supports them as much as possible, but it is still not viable for Savita to completely quit her job. She is weak and the doctors do not have much hope for the baby. But she and Ajit are putting their trust in the One who has already shown Himself powerful and caring. The One who has already defied these doctors’ expectations once and protected a life they saw no hope for. Please join us in prayer.
“She [Hagar] gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me” (Genesis 16:13)
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