Debt is a big problem for subsistence farmers in the Majority World. Once the food and money from harvest runs out, they borrow money to make ends meet. When harvest comes again, they must pay off those loans, plus interest. As the years pass, they must borrow more and more simply to survive.

After learning about biblical stewardship, the TCT-partner churches in one area committed to do all they could to get out of debt over the next five years.

That year the country had a terrible drought. All the crops withered.It seemed they must either take out huge loans or face starvation. Yet they had committed to the Lord to get out of debt. At each of the churches, the farmers gathered to fast and pray, asking God what to do. They decided to wait and see.

Finally, harvest season came. Even though the tapioca appeared to be dead, they dug it up anyway to see if anything could be salvaged. As they dug up the plants, they were shocked to discover that each field had double or triple the normal amount of tapioca!

All the tapioca plants in the surrounding areas had died in the drought. As a result, the price for tapioca that year more than doubled. The farmers in the areas where the churches had prayed earned four to six times their normal income. As a result, they were all able to get out of debt in just one year instead of the five years that they had expected. God had responded to their obedience with miraculous, abundant provision!