One of the gifts God has given us is the many stories of God at work in churches, lives, and communities around the world. They destroy the boxes we tend to put God in and lead us to our knees in worship. We invite you to read, watch, listen, and explore the story library.
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Stories of God’s power displayed in the Church
This is a collection of stories from the TCT program. These stories were originally included in our printed story book, and we’ve made them available in a digital format here.
Churches Are Practicing Biblical Stewardship in DRC
We recently checked in with some of our TCT partner churches in DRC and heard many encouraging stories about how God is using them in their communities. Many stories included their efforts to steward natural resources. These churches learned from Module 2 training that God created and cares about all [...]
Biblical Literacy leads to Community Literacy
More than one in five adults in the Democratic Republic of Congo cannot read. In the remote villages where Reconciled World focuses its work, these rates can be even higher. This has a huge impact [...]
A New Home for a Sick Man
There was a kind hearted pastor in Nepal who felt compassion for the suffering of those around him. But he believed his role as a pastor was only to care for those in his church. [...]
Empowered Women Find a New Path
In the village of Muluma Musulu, in the DR Congo, poverty and wrong beliefs about gender have had devastating consequences. Like in many other places, people believe that women belong at home, so women and [...]
Showing Love to Muslim Neighbors
Churches in Bangladesh face significant challenges from both poverty and tension with the majority Muslim population. Although most believers know that God’s word says to “love your neighbor as yourself,” they think this commandment is [...]
A Church Grows through Giving
There was a small church of 6 members in Uganda who struggled to find even enough money to pay for the small room they rented to hold their worship service. When the pastor began attending [...]
A few Grains of Rice, a Handful of Oil, and a Huge Impact
In many places, Christians feel powerless to help others because of their own poverty and lack. They may wait and hope for nonprofit organizations to come and solve the problems around them. Or they may [...]
Gangs Transformed in DRC
Reconciled World is going through a time of tremendous growth and seeing God do wonderful things across the world. With all the busyness that growth brings, we have not had a chance to tell you [...]
Quarterly Update
Hi Friends, As it’s been just over three months since the pandemic was announced and many countries in the world moved into shutdown. On that not so happy anniversary, we want to take this opportunity [...]
God is using churches in the Philippines
Recently we’ve been amazed at the way some churches in the Philippines are reaching out in love to their neighbors and experiencing God’s transforming power. We wanted to share two of our favorites with you. [...]
Love drives out fear in Sobou, Burkina Faso
For many believers around the world, December is the season of increased persecution. As I’ve prayed for my brothers and sisters, I was reminded of a testimony I heard recently of one church who is [...]
Priyanka’s Story
Priyanka is an artist. She feels deeply and laughs loudly. She is a wife and mother in a culture where women are traditionally expected to stay in the home. But she doesn’t want to [...]
From Chaos to Beauty
Seated on the ground on rough carpets under a thatched roof, we survey the battered and lined faces in front of us. These are society’s rejects, the lost, the dispossessed, the broken. Yet they are [...]
Art Helps an Orphan Tell Her Story
Rinky is ten years old and lives in a shelter for girls rescued from difficult situations in slums around the city. She participated in one of our half-day workshops for at-risk girls. The girls were [...]
Fixing Roads in Burkina Faso
"We as the church, we cannot say that we love people without showing fruit. We want our love to be visible." Here is a story of how churches in Burkina Faso are showing God's love to their community.
Love Drives Out Fear – the story of the church at Sobou
“I would like to give you the testimony of how fear can lead a community to live in sickness and poverty.” - Pastor Innocent, sharing at TCT training in Burkina Faso, August 2019 Sobou is [...]
Caring for the Community’s Health
Pastor John is studying TCT in India. Through the training he learned that God cares about all areas of life, so he decided to use his talents to serve his community. [...]
Love and Weddings
We were a little confused when we received a report from one church explaining that a man had decided to “wed his wife.” But it’s a common scenario: many couples have never formally married because [...]
Churches are Transforming DRC
Churches in DRC are rising up to love their communities in so many ways! We’ve put together a short video (3:52) celebrating how God is at work in this beautiful country. [...]
WDC Class of 2019
The Wholistic Development Center (WDC) is preparing for graduation! Spring commencement is an exciting time for time for high school and university students around the world. But for the students of WDC, graduation is extra-special. [...]
God Will Be Glorified: A Community Gets Water
"There’s a water problem in the community. We have a bore well, but there is no proper storage tank. So the people are suffering because when the motor is on, the people are leaving to their works. When they come back from works, the motor is off, the power cut is there...So they thought if you build a water tank for the storage...the water will be stored in the tank, so the people can use the water at any time"
Four Students’ Journey with Christ
This year, we accepted four students at the school who are from the same ethnic minority area where there are no known Christians. This area is a stronghold of animism and is resistant to the [...]
The Drunken Pastor
Putting your faith in Jesus Christ should have a profound impact on every decision, behavior, and aspect of your life. However, this was not true for one pastor we worked with. Though he had accepted [...]
Building Roads
Life in a developing country can look a lot different than life in the west. Even more so when comparing rural areas. Take for example the seemingly small task of going to the market. Most [...]
The Role of the Community
We all want to help people. We all want to make a positive impact in someone else’s life, especially if that person is hurting physically, emotionally, or spiritually. The danger is that sometimes this desire [...]
A Church Passes on Skills to the Vulnerable
Many Christians around the world love God with all their hearts, but believe that due to their poverty, they are unable to follow God’s call to love their neighbors. They see desperation around them, yet [...]
Harvesting a Field Softens a Man’s Heart
Vinod was a rich and influential man who belonged to the high caste in India. Vinod considered Christians untouchable and of a lower caste. The Christians were afraid of him because he often used his [...]
Biblical Literacy leads to Community Literacy
More than one in five adults in the Democratic Republic of Congo cannot read. In the remote villages where Reconciled World focuses its work, these rates can be even higher. This has a huge impact [...]
A New Home for a Sick Man
There was a kind hearted pastor in Nepal who felt compassion for the suffering of those around him. But he believed his role as a pastor was only to care for those in his church. [...]
Empowered Women Find a New Path
In the village of Muluma Musulu, in the DR Congo, poverty and wrong beliefs about gender have had devastating consequences. Like in many other places, people believe that women belong at home, so women and [...]
Showing Love to Muslim Neighbors
Churches in Bangladesh face significant challenges from both poverty and tension with the majority Muslim population. Although most believers know that God’s word says to “love your neighbor as yourself,” they think this commandment is [...]