Finding a Way to Get Stuck

This blog was originally posted on January 8, 2015. Every year I seem to make the same new years resolution. It always has something to do with drawing closer to God. Basically doing better at John 15:4, “remaining” in him. [...]

By |2017-07-27T13:50:11-05:00July 25th, 2016|Categories: Depending on God, Core Principles, Learn and Apply, 2:10|Tags: |

Focusing on the Vulnerable

Reconciled World focuses on the vulnerable because we believe The Father focuses on the vulnerable. As we work with local churches, we teach them to look for ways to show love to those around them who are experiencing physical poverty, [...]

Partnering with Churches: From Principle to Practice

Partnering with local churches is so important, but it can be tricky. Sometimes we can end up taking over like the kid who’s determined to get an A in chem-lab despite her remedial lab partner. We think, “This (whatever) needs to [...]

Integrating Physical & Spiritual: From Principle to Practice

Reconciled World’s third Core Principle is Integrating Physical and Spiritual. It means that we acknowledge that people are spiritual and physical beings, all intertwined in a way that there is really no such thing as “spiritual problems” and “physical problems”. So [...]

Nurturing Truth and Confronting Lies – The Village Story

Reconciled World’s second Core Principle is “Nurturing Truth and Confronting Lies.” In a nutshell, this means that we believe that every culture and community holds onto some truths and some lies. To see a community thrive, we must nurture the truths [...]

Depending on God: From Principle to Practice

“Our fears, anger, and anxiety reveal the gods we trust, serve, and worship in place of the true God.” – Alfred Poirier, The Peacemaking Pastor One of Reconciled World’s core principles is “Depending on God.” In truth, this principle is [...]

By |2017-09-18T19:17:27-05:00February 29th, 2016|Categories: Depending on God, Core Principles|

A Framework for Transformation

My first experiences in community development taught me one lesson – it’s not as easy as I would like. It always felt like a dance. Sometimes we did see good results but often it felt like one step forward and [...]

Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

As the Executive Director, there’s a whole bunch of questions that leave me cringing. They aren’t fundamentally bad, they are just super hard to answer. Questions that should be simple like “How many staff do you have?” “What is your [...]

By |2017-09-15T11:13:33-05:00November 12th, 2015|Categories: Core Principles, Pursuing God's Ways, From the Directors|

How God Provides

One of the things that we believe God has spoken loudly and clearly to us about is local fund raising. The typical international model is: get the money from the richest places and do the work in the poorest places. [...]

By |2017-09-18T19:23:17-05:00November 2nd, 2015|Categories: Stories, Truth Centered Transformation, Mobilizing Local Resources|Tags: |
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