Justice and Your Neighbor
One of the most famous and taught parables in the Bible is the parable of the Good Samaritan. I remember as a kid learning a street drama that was used on a mission’s trip that followed the dialogue of the [...]
One of the most famous and taught parables in the Bible is the parable of the Good Samaritan. I remember as a kid learning a street drama that was used on a mission’s trip that followed the dialogue of the [...]
I’ve just returned from a two month trip to North America. It was a great trip, although visiting 16 cities in that time frame is EXHAUSTING. Happy to be home to recover. One of the things that my husband and [...]
Keller starts off chapter 3 with a story about a woman in one of his former churches. The deacons in his church gave the woman some money to help her with expenses and in the minds of the deacons she [...]
As I read through chapter three, a few things stuck out to me. One of those things was Keller’s statement that “… we should spend far more of our money and wealth on the poor than we do our own [...]
What causes poverty? That’s the age old question. If we really want to see transformation we need to know what’s causing poverty and therefore how to address it. Keller finishes chapter two by sharing how a multitude of factors work [...]
On of the things that stood out to us in chapter two of Generous Justice was this passage (pg 30): But what do the gleaning laws reveal to us about God’s will for our relationships? Why was it that landowners were [...]
I love this chapter in the book Generous Justice and I hope if you haven’t read it already you take the time to do so. In my book there are highlighted sentences in about every paragraph! It’s filled with incredible [...]
Who are the vulnerable? Vulnerable can mean all kinds of things depending on the context. Generally when we define a person’s vulnerability, we think of what they lack. They lack a stable home environment, financial resources, health, relationships… The list [...]
Giving and sharing with other people no matter what it is, whether it’s small or big is always a blessing, especially for the giver. We feel good about ourselves when we give, just as God promised ‘It is more blessed [...]
Chapter 1 of Generous Justice starts with, what was for me, a new understanding of righteousness. One that is revolutionary to how we read the Bible. Keller talks about how “righteousness” in the Bible means living in a right relationship [...]