

About Jordan

Jordan calls New York home, but has spent most of his adult life moving from one place to the next. Fully embracing his nomadic lifestyle he loves traveling, new foods, and photography.

The Inseparable Relationship Between God and Justice

In the introduction to his book Generous Justice, Tim Keller begins with a description of the people for whom he wrote the book. The first person he describes is young Christians who are interested in social justice. He says: “While many [...]

By |2014-06-04T05:30:44-05:00June 4th, 2014|Categories: Learn and Apply|Tags: |

What Have We Done ‘For the Least of These’?

As we write on the topic of foster care, I’ve been doing some research to understand the issue better. The results have been shocking. In 2012, there were approximately 400,000 children in the foster care system in the U.S.[1] In [...]

By |2014-05-12T05:30:44-05:00May 12th, 2014|Categories: Learn and Apply|Tags: , |
Reconciled World