How TCT Began
This story is not really about us, or what we did, but about God and what He did. In 1996, I began working with Food for the Hungry, whose vision is to “end physical and spiritual hungers worldwide.” An audacious [...]
This story is not really about us, or what we did, but about God and what He did. In 1996, I began working with Food for the Hungry, whose vision is to “end physical and spiritual hungers worldwide.” An audacious [...]
After finishing the first training, I challenged one church to do a seed project addressing the most vulnerable, but reminded them that it should be a simple thing. The church members decided to fill a water pond that is no [...]
In one community, there was a family that was so poor that they couldn’t provide for their own basic needs. They didn’t have a latrine, or toilet, as many others have in the area. After the first TCT Training, the [...]
Rinky is ten years old and lives in a shelter for girls rescued from difficult situations in slums around the city. She participated in one of our half-day workshops for at-risk girls. The girls were guided to create art work [...]
When a group of birth attendants viewed an exhibition of works produced on the issue of sex-selective abortion, a growing issue in Asia, their critical comment was, “We couldn’t help but feel a very pro-life message here.” They went on, [...]
Let me share a little about Pavalan, who loves to quote the Mahabharata (an ancient Indian epic), and who labels every action he does. Pavalan, who loves to draw and do yoga. Pavalan, who has a phenomenal memory and who [...]
For the members of a rural community church, which mainly consists of new believers, valuing sons more than daughters was normal. When pressed to allow their daughters to attend school, parents would explain, “Why spend money on educating a daughter [...]
When Vivek walked into the art exhibition one single painting caught his eye. It was a close-up of a destitute man’s ravished face and hollowed torso, with billowing clouds and a blue sky painted behind his eyes. It was titled: [...]
More than 250 nursing students attended a screening of a documentary about India’s missing girls. In a few short years, many of these students will be at the front lines of the issue of sex-selective abortion. They will be providing [...]
“In His Image is a light house,” says Rana, a mother of a child who attends the In His Image Center. Rana had been on suicide watch for nearly a year, falling into depression because of the stress and pressure of [...]