A Prayer for Children with Disabilities
April is Autism Awareness Month. Let’s pause to pray for children with autism and other disabilities. We invite you to pray along with the video or to use it as a starting point for your own prayers. [...]
April is Autism Awareness Month. Let’s pause to pray for children with autism and other disabilities. We invite you to pray along with the video or to use it as a starting point for your own prayers. [...]
As part of our initiative to mobilize prayer, we are adding prayer videos to our resource library. This is our first video, with more to come (we hope). You can pray along with the video, or use it as [...]
“Your child has a disability”—words that probably no parent would ever like to hear. Being faced with this reality can fill parents with a sense of panic and deep grief at first and can bring with it the fear of [...]
As a child, I used to spend many weekends and big chunks of my summer vacations at my grandparents’ house in a tiny village in Central Europe. One of their neighbors had a child like I’d never seen before. He [...]
Fall is always an exciting and busy time of year for Reconciled World. We turn three in just under a month, and we have several Asia-based staff visiting the US in the next couple of months. They will be travelling [...]
Sometimes it takes years to see fruit from the seeds we sow. For the teachers at In His Image, patience is one of the most important assets, both in daily interactions with the students and as they look at the [...]
This voices from around the world comes to you from the director of In His Image. I was at a meeting when a pastor asked me about my family. As I shared about both my children, as well as the [...]
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from everyone at Reconciled World. As a small celebration, here are some Christmas pictures from a few of our programs. Rahham has been busy celebrating Christmas with fellowship groups around the city. [...]
The following is part 2 of a two part blog series originally posted on Elim Christian Services blog. You can read part 1 here. Two weeks ago, I posted a personal perspective on God’s purpose in disability. In it, I [...]
This is the story of a mother who loves unrelentingly…of a girl considered worthless by society, but who is priceless in the eyes of her mom. A little more than four years ago, Twinkle’s mother made a desperate decision. Finding [...]