As part of our initiative to mobilize prayer, we are adding prayer videos to our resource library. This is our first video, with more to come (we hope). You can pray along with the video, or use it as a jumping-off point for your prayer time.

A Prayer for Children with Disabilities

Lord, we pray…

Help children with disabilities to grow up in confidence and courage, feeling how much you love and value them. Let them be rooted and established in Your love, Oh Lord.

Help families to see the worth in their children’s differences. Give mothers and fathers strength to defend their children and protect them from discrimination or abuse. Help parents to find the support they need to empower their children to thrive. 

We pray that churches would recognize the need for greater diversity within the body of Christ. Teach us to embrace members with different abilities and to recognize the blessing and talents they bring to our church. Give us wisdom and determination to support families who have members with disabilities.

Be with organizations who work and advocate on behalf of people with disabilities. Help them to provide services that meet the needs of children with disabilities and their families. 

Help our society, and societies around the world, to grow in awareness of the value and worth of people with differences. Teach us to value and empower people who are differently-abled.

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