April is Autism Awareness Month. Let’s pause to pray for children with autism and other disabilities. We invite you to pray along with the video or to use it as a starting point for your own prayers. 

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Join us in praying:

  • Pray that churches would recognize people with disabilities’ special place in the Father’s heart and take an active role in serving, supporting, and speaking up for them. 
  • Pray for parents of children with autism and disabilities—for grace, patience, joy, and love to fill them. Pray that mothers and fathers would find the support they need, and that God would protect and strengthen their marriages. This is especially urgent in places where safer-at-home orders remain in place, schools remain closed, and services for children with disabilities are limited or stopped altogether.
  • Pray that governments would recognize the needs of people with disabilities, and would support and empower them. Pray for more opportunities for people with disabilities to contribute their skills, talents, and gifts to society. 
  • Pray for people with differences and disabilities to sense God’s affection and purpose for them. Pray against any shame, rejection, or condemnation they might feel. 

To inform your thinking and inspire your prayers, you may be interested in these posts from our archives:

Special Siblings – the siblings of children with disabilities have special needs too. 

Did God Make Me This Way? – as Christians, how should we think about disability?

Love and Dignity Amidst Disability – reflections from the founder of In His Image centre in India