Search results for: When Helping Hurts

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Hanging up your superman costume

You’ve probably all seen the movie.  The community is in havoc and needs a hero to save it… along comes Superman to rescue the people, free the city and save the day. How often do we take the same “hero” approach in our service to the poor?  We serve with a motivation to accomplish something for ourselves and for our own personal significance and gain.  And in the process we reduce the poor to objects of our charity that are merely helping to perpetuate our personal pride and selfishness.  We end up serving out of our own neediness, brokenness and sinfulness, not for the well being of the recipient and certainly not for the glory of God. Brian Fikkert in the book “When Helping Hurts” [...]

By |2017-09-05T20:22:26-05:00November 1st, 2013|Categories: Learn and Apply|

South Asia with Little Ones – Was It a Mistake?

My kid spends 8 hours a day away from home in first grade, as a barely 6-year-old. For our family, this is a huge change because she has never gone to school before. As an extrovert, she enjoys making friends and being around people but still gets very exhausted by the afternoon and sometimes cries for us. As much as I’m happy to have her start this journey, I really miss her throughout the day and worry about how she is doing in a strict school system I don’t know much about. Are the other kids kind to her? Will her teachers be using shaming tactics? How does she do in 106 degrees with no AC? Who will help her if she has to the [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:30:30-05:00May 16th, 2016|Categories: Learn and Apply|

What I learned from my refugee neighbors

I’ll never forget last summer when an old man came to my front door in the blazing heat of the desert, face sweating and hands shaking. He desperately asked if he could pull our weeds for some money, and I cold-heartedly sent him away and shut the door. It was because his presence made me too uncomfortable and I just wanted him out of my sight. That was a sin, I believe, and I am forgiven even though it still hurts. I know I’m not the only one who struggles with the volume of need in our world and what I can actually do about it. My friend who works with Reconciled World in India, reminded me last week that every follower of Jesus is [...]

By |2014-02-07T05:00:32-05:00February 7th, 2014|Categories: Stories|Tags: |

A Special Young Man’s Journey

Let me share a little about Pavalan, who loves to quote the Mahabharata (an ancient Indian epic), and who labels every action he does. Pavalan, who loves to draw and do yoga. Pavalan, who has a phenomenal memory and who loves to play with water. He is also the Pavalan who can rip apart staff members’ clothes when he is angry, who cries like a baby when he hurts himself, who endures days alone in his room at home because his parents have difficulty coping with his behaviors. When Pavalan joined us three years ago, he was thirteen years old. He was extremely violent, and his parents had reached their limit and came to us for help. He soon became part of us, talking and [...]

By |2013-08-27T17:51:58-05:00August 27th, 2013|Categories: In His Image, Stories|
Reconciled World