This month’s prayer blog is a video. We invite you to set aside a few minutes during this busy month to thank God for creating us in His image and to pray for vulnerable people in the light of this simple truth.

You can pray along with the video or use it as a jumping-off point for your prayer time.

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A guide for prayer:

Praise: Genesis 1:26-27 tells us that humanity was made in God’s image. Psalm 139 reminds us that each of us has been formed in our mothers’ wombs and our days have been ordered by God for His purposes. Praise God for His wonderful care in forming each person. 

Confession: As a society and a human race, we have embraced these truths for some while denying them for others. We have a long history of colonialism, slavery, racism, classism, gender descrimination, and even genocide. We’ve neglected the poor, turned away the foreigner, and mistreated the most vulnerable. Ask our merciful Father for forgiveness and healing of nations. 

Prayer for the Church: Ask God to make the Church a lighthouse of dignity for all people—helping us to speak out for those who are vulnerable and oppressed, to shelter them, and to give them a place of honor. 

Prayer for society: Pray for just laws that reflect each person’s worth and protect the most vulnerable.

Prayer for vulnerable people around the world: For those in poverty, women, children, people with disabilities, and those experiencing oppression because of their race or faith—that they would have opportunities to learn that they were created in God’s image and for a purpose. Pray that this truth would give them hope and power to create solutions to the problems they face. 

Prayer for those perpetrating violence or oppression: That they too would learn and believe this truth and that it would bring a change to their treatment of others. Pray for reconciliation among those of different ethnicities, nations, genders, faiths, and social classes. 

Thanksgiving: Thank God for the vast diversity He created, that each of us somehow bears His image, and that together we make a mosaic of languages, colors, and cultures that reflects Him even more.    

For more resources on this prayer topic, download our Image Bearers Prayer Card.