Housebuilding: TCT Asia
God is at work through the church. This video tells the story of an Act of Love from a community we work with in Asia. It's an inspiring example of how their church is being obedient to God and loving their [...]
God is at work through the church. This video tells the story of an Act of Love from a community we work with in Asia. It's an inspiring example of how their church is being obedient to God and loving their [...]
There is undeniable dissatisfaction with church among Christians around the world these days. People leave one local church for another or even stop gathering. The reasons could be worship music, length of sermon, leadership style, facilities…but I believe the underlying [...]
This past month I’ve had one of those experiences where one name of God seemed to jump out at me from every direction – when I read my Bible, when our pastor talked on Sunday, when we sang worship songs, [...]
The church is able, anywhere and everywhere—even in the most seemingly-impossible places and circumstances!! As I listen to Rahham’s director recall stories of life in the slums, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by all the hardship and suffering he [...]
For years the church members of Tu Pi village had waited for someone to come help them. They were extremely poor—at least three months a year they had to scavenge for food. The village was a three-hour walk from the [...]
A church in a muslim dominated area of Uganda shares the love of God with their community.
“Your child has a disability”—words that probably no parent would ever like to hear. Being faced with this reality can fill parents with a sense of panic and deep grief at first and can bring with it the fear of [...]
Why did Jesus die? The answer seems to be obvious: Jesus came to save us from our sins, to save our souls, because He loves us so much. This is what we are told, and this is what we tell [...]
This blog was originally posted in August 2015. Entry one of a six-part series. “Imagine for a moment how you would feel if you were in their shoes…” It was a phrase I heard many times as a kid. I [...]
As a child, I used to spend many weekends and big chunks of my summer vacations at my grandparents’ house in a tiny village in Central Europe. One of their neighbors had a child like I’d never seen before. He [...]