Nepal Relief and Rehabilitation Update

While much relief aid flowed into Nepal in the days after the earthquakes last April, and the news spotlight has mostly moved on to other things, many people in the villages around Kathmandu are still living amidst mountains of rubble [...]

By |2015-08-17T05:30:23-06:00August 17th, 2015|Categories: Truth Centered Transformation|Tags: |

The Wholistic Development Center – A Ministry Model I Can Get Behind!

I remember when I first walked into the doors of the Wholistic Development Center (WDC). It was filled with energy and joy. The students were working on a project and while doing so were smiling, laughing and rapidly talking back and [...]

By |2015-08-13T05:30:50-06:00August 13th, 2015|Categories: Wholistic Development Center|

WDC Graduate Stories

Our Wholistic Development Center (WDC) is welcoming a new group of incoming students this month. Every two years, WDC selects twenty-eight young adults to live together on campus, study a vocation and commit to an intensive truth-centered discipleship course. These [...]

By |2019-05-23T15:37:30-06:00August 10th, 2015|Categories: Stories, Wholistic Development Center, Story Library|

The Power of Small Wins

We’ve made it to part four of the book. I, for one, am completely thrilled that Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett added this section. If you only have the first edition then it’s worth getting the second edition to get [...]

By |2015-07-23T05:30:40-06:00July 23rd, 2015|Categories: Stories, Learn and Apply, Truth Centered Transformation|Tags: |

Mary’s Story: From Outlaw to Minister

Chapter 8 of When Helping Hurts begins to look at how we can effectively engage with people who are experiencing poverty in North America. Fikkert points out: For the first time in history, more poor people live in the suburbs [...]

By |2015-07-20T05:30:40-06:00July 20th, 2015|Categories: Stories, Learn and Apply|Tags: |

How Churches Can Equip People For Work

In the book The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg, tells the story of Travis Leach. The summarised version is that Travis had a challenging upbringing. He first saw his father overdose when he was nine. He grew up in a [...]

By |2015-07-16T05:30:51-06:00July 16th, 2015|Categories: Learn and Apply, From the Directors|Tags: |
Reconciled World