As I write this, we’ve been “safer at home” for four months, it is 118 degrees in Phoenix, and my children have a severe case of cabin fever. (If you’ve read some of my recent blog entries, you may be sensing a pattern here.) All around us, people are shouting online about whether or not masks should be mandated, whether or not schools should re-open, and who we ought to be voting for in the fall. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. But the point is this—everyone is shouting.

I think the hardest part of 2020 for me many days is the sheer volume and constancy of noise. Whether from my own family, my phone chirping constant message alerts, or bickering on social media… It’s hard to think, hard to make rational decisions, hard to listen to God or anyone else. 

As the pandemic drags on and elections draw closer in the United States, the noise level in the media, online, and in our work and relationships is nearly deafening. Do you feel it? 

The world’s prime ministers, presidents, congressmen, ministry officials, prefects, governors, and mayors must be subject to even more shouting and passionate pleas than average citizens like me. The decisions they’re making affect the lives and livelihoods of thousands or millions of people. And in too many cases, those who want to do right and stand against corruption face political opposition and even attempts on their lives. The world’s government leaders are under unbelievable pressure—now more than ever.

I’ll be honest, 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (pray…for kings and all those in authority) is one of the most ignored verses in my Bible. It is not highlighted, nor does my Bible simply fall open to that oft-read page. Politics makes me cringe, and I have a low trust level toward my own government. Instead of praying for them, my very unbiblical solution is to try to ignore them. But 2020 has definitely brought new motivation to pray for our leaders—both in my own country and in the world. If this pandemic has brought one thing into clear focus it is this: We seriously need God. Without His intervention, we and our leaders are in a desperate situation.

Here are some of the things I find myself praying for government leaders:

  • That they would seek God and receive His supernatural guidance to make good decisions.
  • For lawmakers to have discernment to know which voices to listen to in all the noise and to recognize truth.
  • That authorities and elected officials would seek the good of all their citizens rather than a privileged few. That God would expose and bring down corrupt systems and people.

Will you join us in praying for our government leaders this month? Our monthly prayer mailing has a more complete list of prayer prompts (and it’s pretty, so you’ll want to print it out and stick it to your fridge or something). 

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. – 1 Timothy 2:1-2