

About Anna

Originally from New Zealand, Anna lived more than 20 years in Asia before returning again to New Zealand. She continues to travel frequently and says the secret to successful travel is strong coffee, a full kindle and the ability to laugh in ridiculous situations.

WDC: Breaking Lies

Beliefs can be powerful. They impact the way that we live, interact with others and see the future. For the students at the Wholistic Development Center (WDC), one of the most common and oppressive misbeliefs is that they have no [...]

Welcoming the Vulnerable

As I travel around the world (which is nearly constant now), I love to ask people, “What do you see God doing? How are churches reaching out to their communities? What can we celebrate?” Getting these glimpses of how churches [...]

By |2017-09-18T19:21:29-05:00August 8th, 2016|Categories: Truth Centered Transformation, Focusing on the Vulnerable|Tags: , |
Reconciled World