Caring for the Community’s Health

Pastor John is studying TCT in India. Through the training he learned that God cares about all areas of life, so he decided to use his talents to serve his community. Not displaying correctly? You can [...]

By |2019-10-22T08:46:13-06:00August 19th, 2019|Categories: Stories, Truth Centered Transformation, Story Library|

WDC Class of 2019

The Wholistic Development Center (WDC) is preparing for graduation! Spring commencement is an exciting time for time for high school and university students around the world. But for the students of WDC, graduation is extra-special. In the country where WDC [...]

By |2019-07-16T10:33:52-06:00May 20th, 2019|Categories: Stories, Wholistic Development Center, Story Library|
Reconciled World